Goals lab course graph theory - siegfriedzoetzsche/grprak GitHub Wiki
The repo with the latest version can be found here
che07bcj @ studserv.uni-leipzig.de
For information on the presentation see Notes on the presentation (approved by Peter)
The lab course has the following goals
Please use the following documents to document your insights and what problems you are working on
- Which reaction (identified by number) was written by which group (identified by number)?
- If something does not work: go to this group to complain.
- How are the reactions referred to in your strategy?
- What special (anorganic) educts are necessary for the reaction?
- Is the reaction infinite on its own?
- Is something wrong? Please tell the rule author by marking the faulty rule.
- What have your tried? Which rules did you use? Please refer to rules by the respective reaction numbers from the RULE_GUIDE spreadsheet.
- What educts were in your initial universe and/or subset?
- etc. … you get the idea, have a look at the column names
For instructions on how to use the program / setups see documentation runAsSets and documentation run
If you are interested in the old description, see here (WARNING: can be deprecated (duh!))
to your run script. Your runscript (e.g. run.py) has to be in the same folder as the printAllRules.py and all the rules you got from prak10.bioinf… The printAllRules.py will include all the necessary rules and make them accessible as documented in the RULE_GUIDE under rule names.
Please note that the actual printing part is commented out.
# postSection("Input Rules")
# for a in inputRules:
# a.print()
If you want to have all reactions in your summary.pdf you can
- uncomment this passage or
- use a similar passage in your run script.