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A Javascript library for building Widgets.



This library is not yet published in npm as it is in its early stages of development. So you need to get the project in order to work with it.

Get the project setup

First clone this repository.

git clone <repo-url>

Then install all the dependency. Make sure you're using Node.js version mentioned in the .nvmrc file for better compatibility

nvm use
yarn install

Now you can run the build script to get a compiled library code in the dist folder which you can integrate with your project.

Option 1: Installing as dependency

You can install the project folder as a dependency by simply running

yarn add file:./path/to/kyte/

This option can be used when you're using the library inside a workflow like Webpack.

Option 2: Script import directly

It is the version which you can use if you have for a static HTML project (no workflow). You can simply import the script

<script src="./path/to/kyte/dist/kyte-cdn.js"></script>

Now, this exposes a global variable Kyte which has all the features of the library.


You can simply click the link below to view the documentation.



You can find several example code in the examples folder. Here is a simple hello world example.

import { Widget } from 'kyte-js';

class App extends Widget {
    template = `
        <h1>Hello to Kyte.js</h1>

This example will render "Hello to Kyte.js".


Contribution helps in making this library more stable. You can contribute to this library if you find any bugs or if you feel some things can be improved.

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