Worksheet Markdown - sidaw/codalab-worksheets GitHub Wiki

CodaLab worksheets are represented using the standard markdown with a few modifications.

  • Lines that start with a coment (//) are simply instructions to you and are deleted by CodaLab.
  • Some lines are reference to bundles and worksheets.
  • Some lines are directives which tell CodaLab how to render the bundles.
  • You can use the MathJax subset of LaTeX to render equations.

An example

// Editing worksheet pliang(0x17f9afe57d664a06b80c1a31f32456b6).
## Heading
This is *italics* and this is **bold**.
This is a [link](
This is an equation: $x^2$.
Some code:

    x = 3

A list:

- one
- two
- three

% schema simple1
% add uuid uuid [0:8]
% add name
% add output /stdout
% add time time duration

Here are my runs, nicely formatted:
% display table simple1
[run run-date : date]{0x223abce2364c439596f05b5da0fa7e5d}
[run run-date : date]{0x096b5b6b03a94ce3b47337db38822504}
[run run-date : date]{0x1fc1dd80e2394655aa8117a21ed911b2}

References to bundles

To enter a bundle reference, use a bundle specification (e.g., uuid):


The bundle reference will be presented to you as:

[dataset worksheets-schema.png]{0x466cd19aeb204b59a13b213289de795a}

Bundle references must be by themselves on a single line.

References to worksheets

Worksheet references work the same way as bundle references, but with two curly braces instead of one:



A directive is a line that starts with a % and tells CodaLab how to render the bundles. For example, here's how to display an image:

% display image / width=800
[dataset worksheets-schema.png]{0x466cd19aeb204b59a13b213289de795a}

There are three types of directives for (i) defining schemas on the fly, (ii) setting how the subsequent block of bundles are to displayed, and (iii) displaying a set of bundles dynamically based on search criteria.


Suppose you have run 5 experiments, corresponding to 5 bundles and you would like to display a table whose rows are the bundles and the columns are various properties of the runs (e.g., time, memory, accuracy). A schema allows you to specify a list of fields and how to get the field value from the bundles.

Here is a simple example which shows the first 8 characters of the uuid, the name, the stdout and the time:

% schema simple1
% add uuid uuid [0:8]
% add name
% add output /stdout
% add time time duration

The general form of the commands:

% schema <schema-name>
% add <field-name> <generalized-path> [<post-processor>]
% addschema <schema-name>

The generalized path can either refer to the bundle's metadata (type cl info -r <bundle> to get a complete list):


or a file inside the bundle (if prefixed by a '/'):


If a file stats is a JSON file

{"errorRate": 0.2, "method": "simple"}

or a YAML file

errorRate: 0.2
method: simple

or a tab-separated file

errorRate   0.2
method	    simple

then we we can access particular fields inside:


If you have a nested JSON dictionary,

{"train": {"errorRate": 0.2}}

you can access it with something like /output/stats:train/errorRate.

The post-processor, which is optional, specifies a function that transforms the string value of the generalized path into another (usually more friendly) string. Formally, it is a sequence (separated by " | ") of the following functions:

duration            # 61         => 1m1s
date                # 1442513840 => 2015-09-17 11:17:20
size                # 4125       => 4K
%.3f                # 0.1234567  => 0.123
s/a/b               # a-a        => b-b
[2:4]               # abcdef     => cd

Here is a more complex post-processor example that prints out only the year:

date | [0:4]

To display links, do:

% add out uuid "key uuid | add path /stdout"

This should display a link labeled out that points to the stdout file in the given UUID. Here's how it works:

`uuid`                                 => '0x223abce2364c439596f05b5da0fa7e5d'
`uuid` "key uuid"                      => {'uuid': '0x223abce2364c439596f05b5da0fa7e5d'}
`uuid` "key uuid | add path /stdout"   => {'uuid': '0x223abce2364c439596f05b5da0fa7e5d', path: '/stdout'}

To change the text of the link do:

% add out uuid "key uuid | add path /stdout | add text StandardOutput"

This dictionary is processed by the frontend to render the link.

Display modes

By default, a bundle will be displayed as a table with default fields. You can change this by putting a % display <mode> ... directive right before a block of bundles with no intervening newlines:

% display table simple1
[run run-date : date]{0x223abce2364c439596f05b5da0fa7e5d}
[run run-date : date]{0x096b5b6b03a94ce3b47337db38822504}
[run run-date : date]{0x1fc1dd80e2394655aa8117a21ed911b2}

Here are the possible display modes.

  1. Display the file contents of the generalized path:

     % display contents <generalized-path> [maxlines=<int>]
     % display contents /stdout maxlines=100
  2. Display an image:

     % display image <generalized-path> [width=<int>,height=<int>]
     % display image /output.png width=300 height=50
  3. Display HTML:

     % display html <generalized-path>
     % display html /output.html
  4. Display a table given a pre-defined schema:

     % display table <schema-name-1> ... <schema-name-n>
  5. Display a record given a pre-defined schema (where the rows are fields, so there is a bit more room if you have schemas with lots of fields):

     % display record <schema-name-1> ... <schema-name-n>
  6. Display a graph:

     % display graph <generalized-path> [display_name=<field>,x=<int>,y=<int>,xlabel=<string>,ylabel=<string>]
     % display /progress.tsv display_name=command xlabel=iteration ylabel=accuracy

The should point to a TSV file. For each subsequent bundle, the TSV file inside that bundle is read, and the columns corresponding to x and y are pulled out (defaulting to 0 and 1). These are the points that are graphed in a line. For display, display_name specifies the field that is used to pull out a name for the bundle in the legend, and xlabel/ylabel are just the labels of the axes.

Displaying a dynamic set of bundles

To reference a set of bundles by a search criteria:

% search <keyword-1> ... <keyword-n>

See documentation for cl search for more information.

Frequently asked questions

Can I have spaces in my directives?

Yes, you can quote them:

% display "dataset size" data_size size
% display error "/stats.json:error rate" %.3f
% display created created "date | [0:4]"
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