Deliverable 3 - sidarragac/JobJourney GitHub Wiki

1. Architecture & Data

1.1. Deployment Diagram

DiagramasArqP1-Modelo de Despliegue drawio

  • No changes done.

1.2. Component Diagram

DiagramasArqP1-Diagrama de Componentes

  • Added Like a roadmap function to roadmap module. Developed during this sprint.
  • Added View profile function to account module. Developed during this sprint.
  • Added Add social media and Add profile picture functions to account module. Will be developed during the next sprint.

1.3. Data Model


  • Added embeddings field to Roadmap model, to keep the embeddings of each roadmap's objective.
  • Added colors field to Interest model, to keep an standart representative color for each interest.

Data Dictionary


Column Data Type Description
idUser int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each user.
username string (NN) Username of the user.
password string (NN) Encrypted password for authentication.
email email (NN) User’s email address.
city string (NN) City where the user resides.
isCompany boolean (NN) Indicates if the user represents a company.


Column Data Type Description
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing User(idUser).
firstName string (NN) Person's first name.
lastName string (NN) Person's last name.
dateOfBirth date Person's date of birth.


Column Data Type Description
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing User(idUser).
companyName string (NN) Name of the company the user represents.


Column Data Type Description
idSocialMedia int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each social media platform.
name string (NN) Name of the social media platform.


Column Data Type Description
idUserSocialMedia int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each user-social media relationship.
link string Link to the user's profile on the respective social media platform.
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing User(idUser).
idSocialMedia int (NN) Foreign key referencing SocialMedia(idSocialMedia).


Column Data Type Description
idRoadmap int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each roadmap.
mainGoal string Description of the main goal of the roadmap.
content json JSON-structured content for the roadmap.
completionPercentage float Percentage of the roadmap that has been completed.
numberOfLikes int Number of likes the roadmap has received.
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing User(idUser) (creator of the roadmap).
idInterest int (NN) Foreign key referencing Interest(idInterest) (category or topic).
embedding binary Binary data for roadmap's objective.


Column Data Type Description
idLikeRoadmap int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each roadmap like.
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing Person(idUser) (who liked the roadmap).
idRoadmap int (NN) Foreign key referencing Roadmap(idRoadmap).


Column Data Type Description
idInterest int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each interest.
name string (NN) Name of the interest.
description string Description of the interest category.


Column Data Type Description
idUserInterest int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each user-interest relationship.
idInterest int (NN) Foreign key referencing Interest(idInterest).
idUser int (NN) Foreign key referencing User(idUser).


Column Data Type Description
idCheckpoint int (NN) Primary key, unique identifier for each checkpoint.
numberOfCheckpoint int (NN) Numerical order of the checkpoint within the roadmap.
idRoadmap int (NN) Foreign key referencing Roadmap(idRoadmap).
completed boolean Indicates if the checkpoint has been completed.

2. Corporate Image

JobJourney: The journey to your dream job.

  • Screenshots image







3. Repository

JobJourney - Repository

4. Video

JobJourney - Deliverable 3 video

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