Types.Message - shysolocup/noscord.js GitHub Wiki

base message type for sending, replying, and editing
type: AeplSubClass



🛈 id
🛈 content
🛈 replier
🛈 to
🛈 url
🛈 author
🛈 member
🛈 channel
🛈 channelId
🛈 guild
🛈 guildId
🛈 embeds
🛈 ephemeral
🛈 components
🛈 attachments
🛈 files
🛈 stickers
🛈 flags
🛈 system
🛈 editable
🛈 deletable
🛈 purgable
🛈 pinnable
🛈 pinned
🛈 tts
🛈 mentions
🛈 reactions
🛈 reference
🛈 interaction
🛈 timestamps
🛈 latency
🛈 createdAt
🛈 editedAt
🛈 type
🛈 activity
🛈 webhookId
🛈 appId
🛈 nonce
🛈 position
🛈 roleSubData
🛈 cleanContent
🛈 raw

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