Tutorials - shuyima1/DemocracyAndroidApp GitHub Wiki

These are the tutorials we want to get through!

The Download List

To Do Item: Kristine Shuyi Sam
Download Android Studio Done Done
Download Django 1.9.4 Done (1.10.4) Done (1.10.4)
Download Python 2.7 Done Done

The Hello, World! List

This is literally no more than, "I have gotten the archetypal `Hello, World!' program working.' Kristine, if you haven't seen this before, ask Shuyi or Sam.

To Do Item: Kristine Shuyi Sam
Hello, world! Android Studio Done
Hello, world! Django 1.9.4 Done (1st tut)
Hello, world! Python 2.7 Done Done

Critical tutorial list

Rather than a check mark, can indicate partial progress by whatever marking seems intuitive.

To Do Item: Kristine Shuyi Sam
Android Developer Kit
                               |               |       | 25%  |

| Django (instead of Pyramid)
| 10% | | | | [JSON tutorial] (http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_intro.asp)
| | | | | [API beginner intro] (https://cloudrail.com/api-tutorial-for-beginners/)
| | | |

Open question

Do we want to interact with APIs at the front end or the back end? What is an appropriate interface tutorial?

####Suggestions from Shuyi:

####Suggestions from Kristine:

####Suggestions by Sam: