Daily_WorkLog - shrijas/UjjwalNeogiLab GitHub Wiki

Date Work Done/Given Time Taken Status
21st Jan Reading Petter Brodin Paper and understanding the techniques used 6hrs Done
22nd Jan Reading Petter Brodin Paper, attending the group Meeting 8hrs Done
23rd Jan Attended mandatory meeting at 9 am, clarified few questions and left early to Uppsala for another meeting there, writing steps of Petter Brodin Paper 5 hrs Done
24th Jan Work from home, tried setting up the environment by downloading the libraries, writing the steps for starting the analysis 3hrs Done
27th Jan Collected count sample data and started working on loading all the 38 samples into R studio 5hrs Done
28th Jan Worked with uploading the samples, made the gene-sample table 5hrs Done
29th Jan Downloaded the package biomaRt to find only protein-coding gene from ensembl, but it failed multiple times due to server issue 5hrs Done
30th Jan Tried to re-run the biomaRt package, tried the conventional method of comparing the ensembl to genes list, meeting with Anoop to show the progress of work 6hrs Done
31st Jan Tried extracting the protein-coding list from the output data of biomaRt and clustering all the genes 5hrs Done
3rd Feb Took a break, had to go for a meeting at Uppsala University, but made small modifications to the PCA cluster 3hrs
4th Feb Working with PCA cluster of 10% varying highly expressed genes 4hrs Done
5th Feb Checking and verifying why clustering is not as expected, making changes code and running, writing basic on GitHub wiki and report writing 5hrs Done
6th Feb Making changes, preparing for update meeting and Report Writing 4hrs Done
7th Feb Preparing for presentation, updating from hg38 v99 to v96 and running it, same output and presenting the data in the meeting 5hrs Done