Documentation - shreeyagad/oop-lang GitHub Wiki
- int β integer values, i.e. 1, 2.
- boolean β true or false
- String β sequences of characters, i.e. βHello world!β
- null
Arithmetic β adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing values of type int, i.e. 1 + 2, 1 + (2 * 3), 1 - (2 / 3)
Boolean β applying logical/comparison operators to values of type boolean, i.e. true && false, !(1 > 2), !(3 < 4) || (5 < 6)
String β uses β+β operator to support concatenation between values of type String
Assignment β assign values to new or existing variables in the current environment
If β evaluates true branch if condition is true and else branch if condition is false
While β while condition is true, evaluates the body
Break β when used within a while loop, breaks the loop and continues evaluation of the program with the next statement
Function Declaration β maps the function name to a new function with specified arguments and body in the current environment
Function Call β retrieves a declared function from the current environment and evaluates the body with the provided argument values
Print β prints the right-hand expression of the keyword βprintβ to the console
Return β can only be used in a function body to break the control flow and return the right-hand expression
Class Declaration β maps the class name to a new class with specified attributes and methods in the current environment
Constructor β instantiates a new object of the class, maps the argument values to the objectβs attributes, and returns the object
Attribute Call β returns the specified attribute of the object
Method Call β calls the specified method on the object
type ::= int | boolean | String | ClassName
program ::= [statement]*
statement ::= expr;
expr ::= SimpleExpression | CommandExpression
SimpleExpression ::= ArithExpression | BoolExpression | StringExpression | ObjExpression
ArithExpression ::= x | n | n + m | n - m | n * m | n / m
BoolExpression ::= x | true | false | b1 && b2 | b1 || b2 | !b1 | n > m | n >= m | n == m | n <= m | n < m
StringExpression ::= x | s | s1 + s2
ObjExpression ::= x | new ClassName([SimpleExpression,]*)
CommandExpression ::= AssnExpression | IfExpression | WhileExpression | BreakExpression | FunctionDeclExpression | FunctionCallExpression | PrintExpression | ReturnExpression | ClassDeclExpression | AttributeCallExpression | MethodCallExpression
AssnExpression ::= int identifier = ArithExpression | boolean identifier = BoolExpression | String identifier = StringExpression | ClassName identifier = ObjExpression
IfExpression ::= if (BooleanExpression) { program } | if (BooleanExpression) { program1 } else { program2 }
WhileExpression ::= while (BooleanExpression) { program }
BreakExpression ::= break
FuncDeclExpression ::= function identifier( [type argIdentifier,]* ) { program }
FuncCallExpression ::= identifier( [SimpleExpression,]* )
PrintExpression ::= print(expr)
ReturnExpression ::= return expr
ClassDeclExpression ::= class identifier { [type typeIdentifier;]* function identifier( [type argIdentifier,]* ) { [super([SimpleExpression,]*);] program } [FuncDeclExpression;] }
AttributeCallExpression ::= identifier.identifier[.identifier_n]*
MethodCallExpression ::= identifier.FuncCallExpression
- x represents a variable in the environment
- identifier can only consist of numbers, letters, underscores, and ampersands
- return should only be used within the body of a function/method
- break should only be used within the body of a while loop
- the first method in a class declaration acts as the class constructor and must have the same name as the class
- ClassName is the name of a user-defined class