04 Explanation - shreelakshmijoshi/iudx-acl-apd-public GitHub Wiki

Tokens, Users and Roles

Tokens used in DX

  • Tokens for a user could be created using DX AAA Server API : link to the API docs. The token used in DX are :
Token Purpose Users
DX Identity token Serves as an identifier of the user to the server to access the ACL-APD Server's capabilities Provider, provider delegate, consumer, consumer delegate, cos admin, admin
Keycloak token Access token as bearer credential is generated by Keycloak by providing the client's email ID and password and then adding bearer to the access token : bearer <access-token> DX AAA Server, Users
Access token To get access to resource, resource group Provider, provider delegate, consumer, consumer delegate

Tokens accepted in DX ACL APD Server

Tokens accepted by the DX ACL APD Server are the DX Identity token and keycloak token. Identity token is used for user specific APIs whereas the bearer token is used for the Verify API. Providers, Consumers and delegates of providers and consumers are allowed to access the following APIs using the mentioned token:

API Users Token
Create Policy Provider, provider delegate DX Identity token
Update access request Provider, provider delegate DX Identity token
Delete Policy Provider, provider delegate DX Identity token
Create Access Request Consumer, consumer delegate DX Identity token
Withdraw access request Consumer, consumer delegate DX Identity token
Get Policies Consumer, provider, consumer delegate, provider delegate DX Identity token
Get Access Requests Consumer, provider, consumer delegate, provider delegate DX Identity token
Verify Policy DX AAA Server Keycloak token

Users and Roles

All registered users of DX can access the DX ACL APD Server. The DX ACL APD Server identifies the user based on the token information which is provided by DX AAA Server.

Users and Roles

How is the user considered as a consumer, provider or delegate?

  • While decoding the token at the DX ACL APD Server, the role in token fetched from DX AAA Server and then the following rules is applied to identify the user
    • A user is considered as a provider if role is provider
    • A user is considered as a consumer if role is consumer
    • A user is considered as a delegate of the consumer if role is delegate and drl is consumer
    • A user is considered as a delegate of the provider if role is delegate and drl is provider

Terminologies and Definitions

  • Policy : An agreement or contract between the owner of the resource to allow the consumer to access the resource
  • Notification : (or access request) Is a requisition from consumer to owner of the resource to access the resource
  • Constraints : (or capabilities) Are different methods in which information related to resource can be fetched
  • Policy Status : Policy could be in either of these states - active, deleted or expired
  • Notification Status : Notification could be in either of these states - pending, granted, rejected, withdrawn
  • Delegate : Consumer or provider appointed user who could act on behalf of the delegator
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