03 Configurations - shreelakshmijoshi/iudx-acl-apd-public GitHub Wiki


This document contains the information of the configurations to setup various services and dependencies in order to bring up the DX ACL APD Server. Please find the example configuration file here. While running the server, config.json file could be added secrets.

Api Server Verticle

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
isWorkerVerticle boolean false To check if worker verticle needs to be deployed for blocking operations
verticleInstances integer 1 Number of instances required for verticles
httpPort integer 8080 Port for running the instance DX ACL-APD Server

Other Configuration

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
version Float 1.0 config version
zookeepers Array zookeeper zookeeper configuration to deploy clustered vert.x instance
clusterId String iudx-acl-apd-cluster cluster id to deploy clustered vert.x instance
commonConfig.dxApiBasePath String /dx/apd/acl/v1 API base path for DX ACL-APD. Reference : link
commonConfig.dxCatalogueBasePath String /iudx/cat/v1 API base path for DX Catalogue server. Reference : link
commonConfig.dxAuthBasePath String /auth/v1 API base path for DX AAA server. Reference : link
commonConfig.catServerHost String api.cat-test.iudx.io Host name of DX Catalogue server for fetching the information of resources, resource groups
commonConfig.catServerPort integer 443 Port number to access HTTPS APIs of Catalogue Server
commonConfig.authHost String authvertx.iudx.io Host name of DX AAA Server
commonConfig.authPort integer 443 Port number to access HTTPS APIs of DX AAA server Default
commonConfig.databaseIP String localhost Postgres Database IP address
commonConfig.databasePort integer 5433 Postgres Port number
commonConfig.databaseSchema String acl_apd_schema Postgres Database schema
commonConfig.databaseName String acl_apd Postgres Database name
commonConfig.databaseUserName String dbUserName Postgres Database user name
commonConfig.databasePassword String dbPassword Password for Postgres DB
commonConfig.clientId UUID b806432c-e510-4233-a4ff-316af67b6df8 APD trustee client ID
commonConfig.clientSecret UUID 87d05695-1911-44f6-a1bc-d04422df6209 APD trustee client secret
commonConfig.poolSize integer 25 Pool size for postgres client
commonConfig.apdURL String acl-apd.iudx.io DX ACL-APD URL to validate audience field

Policy Verticle

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
isWorkerVerticle boolean false To check if worker verticle needs to be deployed for blocking operations
verticleInstances integer 1 Number of instances required for verticles
defaultExpiryDays integer 12 Default number of days to expire a policy

Notification Verticle

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
isWorkerVerticle boolean false To check if worker verticle needs to be deployed for blocking operations
verticleInstances integer 1 Number of instances required for verticles
emailHostName String email-smtp-some-service.com Host for sending an email whenever an notification is created by consumer
emailPort integer 2587 Email port number for SMTP Service
emailUserName String emailUserName Username
emailPassword String emailPassword Password
emailSender String email@sender Sender of the email (from)
emailSupport Array [email protected], [email protected] An array of emails added as support email
publisherPanelUrl String https://something.com Provider panel in DX
notifyByEmail boolean true Checks if email notification is needed
senderName String IUDX Name of the sender

Authentication Verticle

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
isWorkerVerticle boolean false To check if worker verticle needs to be deployed for blocking operations
verticleInstances integer 1 Number of instances required for verticles
issuer String cos.iudx.io Data Exchange(DX) COS URL to authenticate the issuer in the token
jwtIgnoreExpiry boolean false Set to true while using the server locally to allow expired tokens

Auditing Verticle

Key Name Value Datatype Value Example Description
isWorkerVerticle boolean false To check if worker verticle needs to be deployed for blocking operations
verticleInstances integer 1 Number of instances required for verticles
dataBrokerIP String localhost RMQ IP address
dataBrokerPort integer 24568 RMQ port number
dataBrokerVhost String vHostName Vhost being used to send Audit information Default
dataBrokerUserName String rmqUserName User name for RMQ
dataBrokerPassword String rmqPassword Password for RMQ
dataBrokerManagementPort integer 28041 Port on which RMQ Management plugin is running
connectionTimeout integer 6000 Setting connection timeout as part of RabbitMQ config options to set up webclient
requestedHeartbeat integer 60 Defines after what period of time the peer TCP connection should be considered unreachable by RabbitMQ
handshakeTimeout integer 6000 To increase or decrease the default connection time out
requestedChannelMax integer 5 Tells no more that 5 (or given number) could be opened up on a connection at the same time
networkRecoveryInterval integer 500 Interval to restart the connection between rabbitmq node and clients