gflash_cli usage - shraken/gboot GitHub Wiki

  1. Querying the device for information.
  2. Using the program function to upload a bootloadable image.

gflash usage

execute gflash_cli -h for usage details

looking for 10c4 8621
gflash_cli i     print flash info
gflash_cli m     dump all memory
gflash_cli r xxxx  read mem at location xxxx
gflash_cli e xxxx  erase page containing location xxxx
gflash_cli w xx yy write byte at xxxx with yy
gflash_cli p file  program the file into the mcu
gflash_cli b       reboot

Querying the device for information.

You can request bootloader info by passing the i argument. An example output is shown below.

looking for 10c4 8621
GBOOT version: 0.29
API supported: 1
MCU: F380
flash start: 0x0400
flash end:   0x3bff
flash erase size: 512
Target PID: ffff
HW rev: 1.0
PCB rev: A00
Serial: ffffffff
Features: cccccccc
Ext info: ffffffff

Max code size:  14.0k (0x3800 bytes)

The in the gboot/scripts/ directory allows modification of some of these parameters after the gboot intel hex executable is built.

Using the program function to upload a bootloadable image.

Use the syntax gflash_cli <bootload.bin> to bootload the binary image. You must then execute gflash_cli b to reset the device.