voucherFunding - shopwareDowntown/downtown GitHub Wiki


Customers can support their local retailers by buying vouchers from them now and redeeming them at a later point in time. The voucher code will be generated on demand and the buyer as well es the merchant will be informed via email, also including the voucher as a PDF file. Later on the voucher code can be validated and also redeemed/invalidated to avoid multiple usage. The plugin also provides a list of all previously sold vouchers.

Plugin Repository: https://github.com/sw-tgs/SwagVoucherFunding

Requirements for the Buyers Portal

  • As a customer, I want to receive an error message when I try to put vouchers into the basket together with other products
  • As a customer, I want to be able to purchase a voucher
  • As a customer, I want to receive an additional email with the vouchers as a PDF

Requirements for Merchant Portal and App

  • As a merchant, I want to receive an additional email with the vouchers as a PDF
  • As a merchant, I want to have a list of all vouchers sold
  • As a merchant, I want to validate a voucher code to make sure that I really sold this voucher
  • As a merchant, I want to redeem / invalidate a voucher to avoid multiple usage


By using the API endpoints it is possible to

  • Get a list of all sold vouchers
  • Get the status of a voucher [valid (incl. buyer information), invalid, used]
  • Redeem a voucher

API docs: https://github.com/sw-tgs/SwagVoucherFunding/wiki/Voucher-Funding-API

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