Interpreter - shoonie/StudyingDesignPattern GitHub Wiki


Given a language, define a represention for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentence in the language.




  1. It's easy to change and extend the grammar
  2. Implementing the grammar is easy, too
  3. Complex grammars are hard to maintain.
  4. Adding new ways to interpret expressions.


  1. Creating the abstract syntax tree.
  2. Defining the Interpret operation.
  3. Sharing terminal symbols with the Flyweight pattern.

Sample Code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>

namespace wikibooks_design_patterns

	//	based on the Java sample around here

	using String =  std::string;
	class Expression;
	using Map = std::map<String, Expression*>;
	using Stack = std::list<Expression*>;

	class Expression {
		virtual int interpret(Map variables) = 0;
		virtual ~Expression() {}

	class Number : public Expression {
		int number;
		Number(int number) { this->number = number; }
		int interpret(Map variables) { return number; }

	class Plus : public Expression {
		Expression* leftOperand;
		Expression* rightOperand;

		Plus(Expression* left, Expression* right) {
			leftOperand = left;
			rightOperand = right;
		~Plus() {
			delete leftOperand;
			delete rightOperand;

		int interpret(Map variables) {
			return leftOperand->interpret(variables) + rightOperand->interpret(variables);

	class Minus : public Expression {
		Expression* leftOperand;
		Expression* rightOperand;
		Minus(Expression* left, Expression* right) {
			leftOperand = left;
			rightOperand = right;
		~Minus() {
			delete leftOperand;
			delete rightOperand;

		int interpret(Map variables) {
			return leftOperand->interpret(variables) - rightOperand->interpret(variables);

	class Variable : public Expression {
		String name;
		Variable(String name) { this->name = name; }
		int interpret(Map variables) {
			if (variables.end() == variables.find(name)) 
				return 0;
			return variables[name]->interpret(variables);

	//	While the interpreter pattern does not address parsing, a parser is provided for completeness.

	class Evaluator : public Expression {
		Expression* syntaxTree;

		Evaluator(String expression) {
			Stack expressionStack;

			size_t last = 0;
			for (size_t next = 0; String::npos != last; last = (String::npos == next) ? next : (1 + next)) {
				next = expression.find(' ', last);
				String token(expression.substr(last, (String::npos == next) ? (expression.length() - last) : (next - last)));

				if (token == "+") {
					Expression* right = expressionStack.back(); expressionStack.pop_back();
					Expression* left = expressionStack.back(); expressionStack.pop_back();
					Expression* subExpression = new Plus(right, left);
				else if (token == "-") {
					// it's necessary remove first the right operand from the stack
					Expression* right = expressionStack.back(); expressionStack.pop_back();
					// ..and after the left one
					Expression* left = expressionStack.back(); expressionStack.pop_back();
					Expression* subExpression = new Minus(left, right);
					expressionStack.push_back(new Variable(token));

			syntaxTree = expressionStack.back(); expressionStack.pop_back();

		~Evaluator() {
			delete syntaxTree;

		int interpret(Map context) {
			return syntaxTree->interpret(context);


void main()
	using namespace wikibooks_design_patterns;

	Evaluator sentence("w x z - +");

		const int sequences[][3] = {
			{ 5, 10, 42 },{ 1, 3, 2 },{ 7, 9, -5 },
	for (size_t i = 0; sizeof(sequences) / sizeof(sequences[0]) > i; ++i) {
		Map variables;
		variables["w"] = new Number(sequences[i][0]);
		variables["x"] = new Number(sequences[i][1]);
		variables["z"] = new Number(sequences[i][2]);
		int result = sentence.interpret(variables);
		for (Map::iterator it = variables.begin(); variables.end() != it; ++it) 
			delete it->second;

		std::cout << "Interpreter result: " << result << std::endl;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️