OttoIntegration - shiraji/androidannotations GitHub Wiki

Since AndroidAnnotations 3.0

Integrating Otto and AndroidAnnotations

  1. Add AndroidAnnotations to your project.
  2. Add otto to your project.
  3. Create a singleton class for the bus that can be injected with AA using the @EBean annotation.
  4. Create the event class that will transit through the bus.
  5. Post a new event to the bus: ...)
  6. Use @Subscribe annotation to get the published events.

The following code (taken from the CleanAndroidCode) shows you how an Activity notifies its Fragment that the title has been updated.

// Declare the bus as an enhanced bean
@EBean(scope = Scope.Singleton)
public class OttoBus extends BasicBus {

public class UpdateTitleEvent {

        public final String title;

        public UpdateTitleEvent(String title) {
                this.title = title;

public class HelloAndroidActivity extends FragmentActivity {

        OttoBus bus;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        protected void onDestroy() {

	public void onUpdateTitle(UpdateTitleEvent event) {

public class HelloFragment extends Fragment {

	int counter = 1;

	OttoBus bus;

	void fragmentButtonClicked() { UpdateTitleEvent("Clicks: " + counter++));

The @Subscribe and @Produceannotations can be used in any enhanced component.