IgnoredWhenDetached - shiraji/androidannotations GitHub Wiki
Since AndroidAnnotations 3.1 until AndroidAnnotations 3.3.2
When used standalone in an @EFragment or in conjunction with the @UiThread or @Background annotations, the annotated method will be wrapped in an 'if attached' block such that no code will be executed if the @EFragment is no longer bound to its parent activity.
Should be used on method that must meet the following criteria:
- Can only be used in conjunction with classes annotated with @EFragment
- The annotated method must return void and may contain parameters.
Usage example:
public class LoaderFragment extends Fragment {
void killActivity() {
void updateTitle(String title) {
Since AndroidAnnotations 4.0
When used standalone in an @EFragment or in conjunction with the @UiThread or @Background annotations, the annotated method will be wrapped in an 'if attached' block such that no code will be executed if the @EFragment is no longer bound to its parent activity or the @EFragment views are destroyed
Should be used on method that must meet the following criteria:
- Can only be used in conjunction with classes annotated with @EFragment
- The annotated method must return void and may contain parameters.
Usage example:
public class LoaderFragment extends Fragment {
void killActivity() {
void setViewBackground(int resid) {
Since AndroidAnnotations 4.0
AndroidAnnotations currently support two states for ignoring execution:
- DETACHED: Skip execution if the @EFragment is no longer bound to its parent activity.
- VIEW_DESTROYED: Skip execution if the @EFragment views are destroyed.