CustomizeAnnotationProcessing - shiraji/androidannotations GitHub Wiki

You have the possibility to customize annotation processing to fit your needs if you have some special use cases. To do so, you can declare options in your configuration (see below to see how to configure them according to your environment).

Available options


Type: boolean

trace is used to enable or disable @Trace annotation processing. This annotation is used to trace the execution of a method by writing log entries.


Type: string, path

By default, AndroidAnnotations try to find the AndroidManifest.xml file by looking recursively in parent folders. In case you have a specific project structure, you can specify the path to AndroidManifest.xml file by using androidManifestFile option.


Type: string

By default, AndroidAnnotations try to find the R class by extracting application package from AndroidManifest.xml file. But in some cases you may want to specify a custom package to look for the R class. This is why we added resourcePackageName option.


Type: string, path

Since 3.0, AndroidAnnotations uses a custom logger to write logs in a file during code generation. It'll help everyone to debug and fix configuration in case of issues.

By default, the framework will write logs in {outputFolder}/androidannotations.log file. And to resolve {outputFolder}, we're looking for one of the following folders in this order :

  • target
  • build
  • bin
  • root project folder

If the output folder can't be resolve you can specify an output file by using logFile option. Note that you can also use {outputFolder} placeholder in this value if you just want to change the filename.


Type: string, enum(trace, debug, info, warn, error)

The default log level is set to WARN. In case of issues, it could be useful to change it to TRACE with logLevel option.


Type: boolean

By default, AA uses two appenders : FileAppender and MessagerAppender. The former will write in the log file and the latter will show log messages in IDE messages. But, there is also a ConsoleAppender which could be activated by setting true to logAppenderConsole option.


Type: boolean

The FileAppender is used by default, since it is useful to see historically what happened if the processing crashed or bad code got generated. Unfortunately in some cases this file can cause file locking problems, so this parameter offers a way to disable it.


Type: boolean

threadControl is used to enable or disable @SupposeUiThread and @SupposeBackground annotation processing. These annotations can ensure that a method is called from the good thread. It is enabled (true) by default.


Type: String

classSuffix is used to change the suffix of enhanced classes like Activities with @EActivity. The default value is _.


Type: boolean

generateFinalClasses is used to set if generated classes should be final or not. The default value is true.


Type: boolean

Indicates that the project is an Android library project. The default value is false.

How to use options

You should first check the configuration page to verify your configuration is fine according to your build tool and IDE. Then, please follow one of these instructions to customize annotation processing.


  1. Right-click on your project, choose "Properties"
  2. Go to Java Compiler > Annotation Processing
  3. Add your options in processor options list


  1. Go to IntelliJ's preferences
  2. Then go to Compiler > Annotation Processors and select your module
  3. Add your options in Annotation processor options list


To pass annotation processing argument with maven you MUST use the maven-compiler-plugin. Since version 3.1 of this plugin, you can use compilerArgs tag to easily pass multiple arguments. Here is how to use it:



Thanks to android-apt Gradle plugin we're able to set annotation processing arguments. Here is how to use it:

apply plugin: 'android-apt'

dependencies {
    apt "org.androidannotations:androidannotations:$AAVersion"
    compile "org.androidannotations:androidannotations-api:$AAVersion"

apt {
    arguments {
        // you can set annotation processing options here
        logLevel 'TRACE'
        logAppenderConsole 'true'
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