5.2. Merge conflicts.md - shinokada/gitnotes GitHub Wiki
To roll back and start over, reset your working environment with the following command:
❯ git reset --hard HEAD
This reverts your working environment back to match HEAD, which, in this case, is the latest commit of your current branch.
Tto show you the three-way merge data:
❯ git config merge.conflictstyle diff3
To change back to the default merge conflict tagging:
❯ git config --unset merge.conflictstyle
Then merge:
❯ git merge yUI
❯ git status
On branch zIntegration
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/zIntegration'.
You have unmerged paths.
(fix conflicts and run "git commit")
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
Changes to be committed:
new file: css/main.css
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
both modified: index.html
Untracked files:
Add the -s (--short) and -b (--branch) options to git status to get a consolidated view of the situation:
❯ git status -sb
## zIntegration...origin/zIntegration
A css/main.css
UU index.html
- One file, css/main.css added (A) on your local branch
- Two revisions of a file that are unmerged (U). This is the original index.html from the zIntegration branch, and the index.html from the yUI branch.
<<<<<<< HEAD
<pre id="magic-square-display">
||||||| 69670e7
<section class="box">
<pre class="flex-item" >
>>>>>>> yUI
||||||| 69670e7
shows you the hash of the common ancestor of both Yasmin and Zach’s changes.
First your change, common ancestor, and then incoming change.
Edit: delete the entire first two blocks from the conflicted section, from <<< HEAD all the way to ===. Then, delete the >>> yUI line as well.
Save the file.
❯ git add index.html
❯ git status -sb
## zIntegration...origin/zIntegration
A css/main.css
M index.html
One new file (A) and one modified file (M).
❯ git commit
Check it on a browser. First, delete the yUI branch:
❯ git branch -d yUI
Switch to the main branch:
❯ git checkout main
Merge the zIntegration branch:
❯ git merge zIntegration
Delete the zIntegration branch:
❯ git branch -D zIntegration