Error - shikya/ignite-scala-consistancy GitHub Wiki


I am running ignite with around 2GB of data.

When running 3 nodes of Ignite in 3 as baseline nodes. If any of the nodes get restarted then it takes approximately of 5-6sec to rebalance the data. If there are any requests to be served, some of the requests are sent to the newly created node which is yet to complete the rebalance operation. Hence response received is inconsistent (sometimes empty) with the previous state before the node is added.

Same output of point 1 is repeated even if a new/fresh node is added to the baseline topology. I tried to use the cache rebalance mode as SYNC. (as per doc The issue still persists. Is there any way/settings, which will restrict the requests directed to the newly added/restarted node till the rebalance operation is completed successfully..?

Link to code is I also added screen of the error in repo. You can see the error "[ERROR] from ignite 0 vs actual 413083" This says that the number of records present are 413083 but 0 are getting fetch in query