Load Gradescope Data - shiftsayan/gradecard GitHub Wiki

Gradecard can fetch assignment data from Gradescope and sync it to Gradecard Sheet. In this step we will set up config file for assignments and upload data from the assignments' evaluations to the Gradecard Sheet.

  1. The configurations for each assignment are stored in INI files in /config.

  2. For each assignment, make a copy of homework15251.ini.

  3. Replace "Homework 15251" with the name of the assignment as seen on Gradescope.

  4. Replace "hw15251d" with the name of the dump sheet within the Gradecard Sheet for this assignment. This sheet will be automatically created by Gradecard if it does not exist.

  5. (optional) Replace "Check Your Understanding Quiz 15251" with the name of the CYU assignment corresponding to the main assignment.

  6. Replace "3" with the number of questions in the main assignment.

  7. For each question in the main assignment, make a section called question<number> in the configuration file. These numbers must start from 1 and count upwards. You can choose any subset of questions from the Gradescope assignment.

  8. For each question, replace the name of the question with the question title in the Gradescope outline.

  9. Note that the name of the question is matched as a prefix against the question titles in the Gradescope outline. So, the name "Q1" will match with the titles "Q1" and "Q10". You can get around this by appending the period after the name and title. Evaluations from all question titles that match the name prefix are combined (summed for scores and joined with semicolons for everything else) when uploading the data to the Gradecard Sheet.

  10. (optional) If you want an alternate question to be chosen when a student's score is below the STAR_THRESHOLD, you can specify it with the star_name key.

  11. Run python main.py.

  12. In the CLI, select the "Load Gradescope data" option.

  13. Now, in the CLI select the names of assignments you want to sync to the Gradecard Sheet. Gradecard will warn you if you are trying to sync data for an unpublished assignment.

  14. The evaluations for the assignment(s) will be stored in the respective dump sheet(s) in the Gradecard Sheet. Note that all scores are rounded to the nearest one hundredth before syncing.

  15. (optional) You load Gradescope data automatically by running cron.py as a cron job and setting GC_HEADLESS=true in your environment. This will sync data for all assignments whose configurations are defined in config/.

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