Testing live - shenuja/Datomic GitHub Wiki
This prototype is built using Clojure (on Noir) and Datomic. The database is in-memory and not persisted. The videos are stored as mp4 files in the server and rendered to the browser as HTML5 elements.
[Note] Tested on Safari 5.1.1 and Google Chrome 19.0.1084
- Go to http://noir-videos.herokuapp.com/videos
- Login with a username.
are known usernames. Any new names are added to the database as a new user. - Play some videos. Pause a video. (Play and pause quickly, known bug: when a video completes by itself, we still get a pause event)
- Go to http://noir-videos.herokuapp.com/welcome. Find some rudimentary data about the user behavior.
- To login as another user, go to http://noir-videos.herokuapp.com/logout. This clears the user from the current session and allows a fresh login starting from step 1.