Tone.js - shektor/rhythm-is-a-maker GitHub Wiki

  • To Learn about tone.js => here.
  • Tone.js is a framework for creating interactive music in the browser.
  • Here is how sounds are generated.
var synth = new Tone.Synth().toMaster()
synth.triggerAttackRelease('C4', '8n')

This creates a new instance of Tone and stores it into a variable called synth. The .toMaster() connects the sound to the speakers on your device and lastly, to make a sound we use a method called triggerAttackRelease('C4', '8n').

TriggerAttackRelease is a combination of two methods: triggerAttack when the amplitude is rising (for example from a ‘key down’ or ‘note on’ event), and triggerRelease is when the amplitude is going back to 0 (‘key up’ / ‘note off’).

  • 14th June 2019

This is how the application is currently looking.