Writing Text Messages - shawna-p/mysterious-messenger GitHub Wiki


These pages are out of date! The most recent version of the documentation can be found here: https://mysterious-messenger.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

This page is retained so that it can still be linked to.

Writing Text Messages

Example files to look at: tutorial_5_coffee.rpy, tutorial_3_text_message.rpy

A brief overview of the steps required (more detail below):
  1. Create a label using the prefix after_ + the name of the chatroom you want to send the text messages after e.g. label after_my_chatroom
  2. Begin the text chain with call compose_text(s) where s is the variable for the character who is sending the message
  3. Write dialogue for the conversation. You may use Script Generator.xlsx to assist with this.
  4. End the text chain with call compose_text_end('menu1') where 'menu1' is an optional label to jump to to allow the player to reply to the message
  5. End the entire after_ label with the line return
  6. Create a label for the reply (e.g. label menu1:) and begin with call text_begin(s) where s is the variable for the character sending the message
  7. Add a menu and optionally award the player a heart point
  8. (Optional) Allow the player to reply to the text message again by writing $ s.text_label = 'menu2' where s is the variable for the character sending the message and 'menu2' is the name of the menu to jump to to let the player reply to the message. Repeat steps 6-9 for this new label.
  9. Finish the reply label with jump text_end

Sending the initial text message

To have character text the player after a chatroom, the program looks for a label with a specific naming convention. For example, if your chatroom is called

label my_chatroom:

then you need to create a label called

label after_my_chatroom:

Next, write

call compose_text(s)

where s is the variable for the character who is sending the message. You can then write dialogue the same way as you would for a chatroom, including adding CGs, emojis, and changing fonts. Text messages do not currently support special speech bubbles.

Finally, end the message with

call compose_text_end('menu1')

where 'menu1' is an optional parameter that tells the program to jump to that label when the player presses "Answer" in this text message conversation. If you do not include a label to jump to, the player will be able to read this message but will not be able to respond.

Finally, end the after_ label with the line


Replying to Text Message

If you passed compose_text_end an argument such as 'menu1', then you need to create a label called label menu1 that the program will jump to when the player presses "Answer". There are no restrictions on what you can call this label, but it's recommended you come up with a consistent naming scheme to avoid accidentally creating several labels with the same name.

Create a new label for the reply as you named before.

label menu1:
    call text_begin(s)
        "Choice 1":
            m "Choice 1"
            # Additional dialogue
        "Choice 2":
            m "Choice 2"
            # Additional dialogue
    s "Optional additional dialogue seen regardless of choice."
    jump text_end

You begin the label with call text_begin(s) where s is the variable of the character the player is messaging. Then you should immediately begin with a menu: and give the player whatever choices you wish. This is written the same way as chatrooms.

Awarding Heart Points

You can award the player heart points for a text message response the same way you do in chatrooms. For regular text messages, the player can only receive one heart point per message reply; any additional heart point calls will simply overwrite the first one. Awarding heart points looks like this:

label menu1:
    call text_begin(s)
        "Heart Point Choice 1":
            m "Heart Point Choice 1"
            call heart_icon(s)
            # Additional dialogue
        "Heart Point Choice 2":
            m "Heart Point Choice 2":
            call heart_icon(y)
            # Additional dialogue
    # Optional additional dialogue
    jump text_end

In the above example, depending on the player's choice, they either receive a heart point with s or y.

Allowing multiple replies

If you want to allow the player to continue replying to a regular text messages, then before jump text_end you must include the line

$ s.text_label = "menu2"

where s is the variable of the character in the conversation and "menu2" is the label to jump to for the player to continue replying. You could also include this line nested under a specific menu option in case you only want the player to be able to continue replying if they pick a certain response.

A text message conversation with two replies might look like the following:

label after_my_chatroom:
    ## Text message to ja
    call compose_text(ja)
    ja "A sample text message."
    call compose_text_end("sample1")

label sample1:
    call text_begin(ja)
        "Sample reply":
            m "Sample reply"
            call heart_icon(ja)
        "Sample reply 2":
            m "Sample reply2"
            ja "Sample response."
    ja "Response seen regardless of choice."
    $ ja.text_label = "sample2"
    jump text_end

label sample2:
    call text_begin(ja)
        "Sample reply 3":
            m "Sample reply 3"
        "Sample reply 4":
            m "Sample reply 4"
            call heart_icon(ja)
            ja "Sample response."
    jump text_end