syscfg - shawfdong/hyades GitHub Wiki
syscfg is one of the utilities included in Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit (DTK)[1]. syscfg performs the following tasks[2][3]:
- Reports and sets BIOS configuration options.
- Reports and sets BMC/RAC configuration options.
- Reports and sets user-configurable states.
- Reports system information, including PCI device detection.
# yum install syscfg
Set system profile:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --help --sysprofile This field sets the System Profile to Performance Per Watt (DAPC), Performance Per Watt (OS), Performance, Dense Configuration, or Custom mode. When set to a mode other than Custom, BIOS will set each option accordingly. When set to Custom, you can change setting of each option. When set to Dense Configuration mode, Memory Performance is set one speed lower than the Maximum Frequency to improve reliability. Under Custom mode when C state is enabled, Monitor/Mwait should also be enabled. Arguments : PerfPerWattOptimizedDapc|PerfPerWattOptimizedOs|PerfOptimized|DenseCfgOptimized|Custom # /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --sysprofile=perfperwattoptimizeddapc
Disable Hyper-Threading:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --logicproc=disable
Enable Hyper-Threading:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --logicproc=enable
Disable virtualization:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --virtualization=disable
Set the boot order in BIOS as PXE first:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --bootseq=NIC.Integrated.1-1-1,HardDisk.List.1-1
Report all BIOS pending values:
# /opt/dell/toolkit/bin/syscfg --pendingvalues