Upgrading MediaWiki - shawfdong/hyades GitHub Wiki
Back up MySQL database:
# cd /tmp # mysqldump wikidb > wikidb.sql
Visit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading and download the latest release of MediaWiki:
# wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.25/mediawiki-1.25.3.tar.gz
Visit http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/MobileFrontend and download the tarball for the MobileFrontend extension:
# wget https://extdist.wmflabs.org/dist/extensions/MobileFrontend-REL1_25-c193468.tar.gz \ -O MobileFrontend.tar.gz
Unpack the MediaWiki tarball:
# tar xvzf mediawiki-1.25.3.tar.gz -C /var/www/ssl/ # cd /var/www/ssl # mv hyades ../hyades-1.25.2 # mv mediawiki-1.25.3 hyades
Unpack the MobileFrontend tarball:
# tar xvzf /tmp/MobileFrontend.tar.gz -C /var/www/ssl/hyades/extensions/
Copy local settings and images:
# cp ../hyades-1.25.2/LocalSettings.php hyades/ # cp -a ../hyades-1.25.2/images hyades/
Fix the permissions (Note that php-fpm runs as user = apache & group = apache – see /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf):
# chown -R dong:dong hyades/ # chown -R apache:apache hyades/cache/ # chown dong:dong hyades/cache/.htaccess # chown -R apache:apache hyades/images/ # chown dong:dong hyades/images/.htaccess
Run the update script:
# cd /var/www/ssl/hyades # php maintenance/update.php
Voila! Done.