OpenStack - shawfdong/hyades GitHub Wiki
OpenStack is a free and open-source cloud computing software platform. OpenStack has a modular architecture with various code names for its components:
- Nova: Compute
- Swift: Object Storage
- Cinder: Block Storage
- Neutron: Networking
- Horizon: Dashboard
- Keystone: Identity Service
- Glance: Image Service
- Ceilometer: Telemetry
- Heat: Orchestration
- Trove: Database
- Ironic: Bare Metal Provisioning
- Zaqar: Multiple Tenant Cloud Messaging
- Sahara: Elastic Map Reduce
RDO is a community of people using and deploying OpenStack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora and distributions derived from these (such as CentOS, Scientific Linux and others). We'll follow the RDO Quickstart to install OpenStack on my CentOS 7 box[1][2].
The network device is enp15s0 (Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5755 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express). Append the following line to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp15s0:
Stop and disable NetworkManager:
# systemctl stop NetworkManager # systemctl disable NetworkManager
Start the network service:
# chkconfig network on # service network start
Make sure firewalld is disabled and iptables is enabled:
# systemctl status firewalld # systemctl status iptables
Install Packstack Installer:
# yum update -y # yum install -y # yum install -y openstack-packstack
Install OpenStack (single node OpenStack deployment):
# packstack --allinone