functions - shaunclapperton/L3Programming GitHub Wiki
function mainLoop- the mainloop is a infinite loop used to run the program
function colorRect- this is used to draw the canvas background
function colorText- this is used to draw the text for the score and the game over screen at the end
function keyPressed- this function reacts when the space bar key is pressed and sets the variable to true when it is
function keyReleased- this function reacts when the key is released and sets the variable to false when it is\
function scoreCorrect- this function halfs the final score. This is because the score is calculated on the pipes crossed since it crosses two at once the value is halfed.
function up- this function is for the top part of the bar and generates random agps between the pipes whilst also making the gap large enough for the sprite to fit through.
function bottom- this function is for the bottom part of the bar and also generates random y pos to create gap between the pipes