Creating Our Own Creative Tab - shauncjones/Community-Mod GitHub Wiki

Note: This tutorial is created on windows and commands may vary on other systems.

In this tutorial we are going ton be creating a custom creative tab to house all of our items and blocks.

Getting Started

First we are going to be creating a new class in our com.shauncjones.communitymod.util package. This new class should be named CommunityModTab we are going to populate our class with the following:

package com.shauncjones.communitymod.util;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; 
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import com.shauncjones.communitymod.items.CommunityModItems;

public class CommunityModTab extends CreativeTabs{

    public CommunityModTab(){
	public ItemStack getTabIconItem(){
		return new ItemStack(CommunityModItems.ingotCopper);

Now let's break it down.

The string passed in our constructor is to give the tab a localized name. For this we used our MODID. getTabIconItem tells Minecraft which item to show on our creative tab in game. For this we used our Copper Ingot that we created.

Now inside of our CommunityMod class we are going to add the following line after the @SidedProxy

public static final CommunityModTab CMTab = new CommunityModTab();

Updating our created Items

Now that we have created our creative tab we need to update our items to actually go in there. Inside of our BlockBase & ItemBase classes in the constructor we are going to add setCreativeTab(CommunityMod.CMTab); Then inside of our CommunityModItems & CommunityModBlocks we just need to remove the .setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.MISC) from the created items.

Adding Localization

The final step will be to make sure our creative tab has a name, so inside of our en_US.lang file we will need to add another line like the following: itemGroup.communitytab=Community Tab. You will notice this one does not need the .name attribute, in fact if you use it the game will not load your name.

Going Forward

You now have a mod that adds a simple item and block, and puts them into our own creative tab. You can find the next tutorials here.