The OpenHumidor Wireless Protocol - sharst/OpenHumidor GitHub Wiki

OpenHumidor uses a simple protocol to transfer information from a sensor to a receiver and the other way round. In normal use, the receiving board is always listening to incoming messages. Every few minutes, the sensor will wake up and send a message to the receiver. It will then go to listening mode and wait a few seconds for an answer. If it receives an answer or a timeout occurs, the sensor will power down again.

If you're using the OpenHumidor board as a receiver, it will simply output the sensors' messages on the UART. If you want to respond to a message, you will first have to send the address of the recipient device to the UART, followed by the full base message. Once you have sent the 5-byte device address to the receiver board, it will go into transmitting mode and consequently transmit the 18-byte-long message that you transmit to the UART.

All 2-byte values are MSB unsigned integers.

###Sensor --> Base

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0xCA 0x55 Module Address Error flags Temperature Humidity Supply voltage Signal Quality Message ID 0xFF


  • 0-1: The first two bytes are always the same start bytes.
  • 2-6: The address of the module that is sending this message (i.e. the reply-to-address)
  • 7: Error flags, bit field with error codes (see below)
  • 8-9: Temperature, coded as a 2byte MSB integer; same as below
  • 10-11: Humidity, coded as a 2byte MSB integer; eg. 0x1C 0x35 --> 7221 --> 72.21 %
  • 12-13: Supply voltage, coded as a 2byte MSB integer; 3467 --> 3.467V
  • 14: Signal quality, from 0-255. Shows how often the NRF24L01 has attempted to send the message before it got through
  • 15-16: An increasing message ID. The receiver responds with the same message ID. Can be used to see if messages have been lost.

###Base --> Sensor

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0xCA 0x56 Open Humidifier Start Fan Pause duration Message ID 0xFF (ignored)


  • 0-1: The first two bytes are always the same start bytes.
  • 2: Ignored
  • 3: Tell the sensor how much to open the humidifier (if attached)
  • 4: Tell the sensor whether to start the fan (0=OFF, 255=ON)
  • 5-6: How much time the sensor should go to sleep for before sending the next message, coded as a 2byte MSB integer. If the message gets lost, the sensor will sleep as long as the last time it went to sleep.
  • 7-8: Message ID; should be the same as in the preceding sensor message.
  • 9-17: Nothing.

Errorflags byte in sensor message

This is basically a representation of the different errors the DHT22 library can throw. Only RECEIVED_NOTHING is new: It means that after sending the last message, the sensor did not receive a response.

bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️