Usage - shapeblue/Trillian GitHub Wiki

Trillian uses Ansible 2 to create environment configuration files and deploy those environments. The user can run 2 commandline statements and go from 0 to a running cloudstack environment with multiple hosts.


ansible-playbook generate-cloudconfig.yml -i localhost --extra-vars "env_name=xs62test mgmt_os=6 env_version=cs45 env_accounts=all hvtype=x hv=2 pri=2 xs_template='XenServer 6.2 SP1'"
ansible-playbook deployvms.yml -i ./hosts_xs62test

ansible-playbook generate-cloudconfig.yml -i localhost --extra-vars "env_name=kvmtest-pga mgmt_os=6 env_version=cs45 env_accounts=all hvtype=k hv=2 pri=2"
ansible-playbook deployvms.yml -i ./hosts_kvmtest-pga

ansible-playbook generate-cloudconfig.yml -i localhost --extra-vars "env_name=esxi55test mgmt_os=7 env_version=cs45 env_accounts=all hvtype=v hv=2 pri=2 vc_template='vCenter55u3' esxi_template='ESXi 5.5 U3'"
ansible-playbook deployvms.yml -i ./hosts_esxi55test

Ultimately a wrapper will run these steps & then run specified Marvin tests against these environments Initially Jenkins post build tasks will run the individual steps.

The full list of variables are as follows:

  • env_name [mandatory]: Environment name, single string, characters, numbers, underscore _ or dash - only. Required for all playbook * runs and distinguishes the nested clouds from each other.
  • env_version [mandatory]: Environment CloudStack version (cs45, cs46, custom, etc)- see group_vars/all for options
  • hvtype [mandatory]: XenServer (x), KVM (k) or VMware (v)
  • mgmt_os [mandatory]: Management server OS (centos, centos7, ubuntu, custom)
  • pri [mandatory]: number of primary storage pools.


  • mgmt: Number of management servers to configure (default = 1)
  • db: Number of independent MySQL servers configure (default = 0 ie MySQL on mgmt server)
  • hv: number of hypervisors. Please note if hypervisor type is VMware the assumption is made that a single VC host is also required. This does not have to be specified anywhere.
  • management_network: name of the management network
  • guest_public_network: name of the guest+public network
  • management_vm_hypervisor: parent CloudStack cloud hypervisor (default VMware)
  • build_project: project name to use for the nested cloudstack build (default -NestedClouds)
  • build_zone: parent cloud zone name
  • build_keyboard: keyboard used for nested VMs (default UK)
  • mgmtsrv_service_offering: parent cloud service offering used for the management server build
  • mgmtsrv_template: parent cloud template used for the management server build
  • dbsrv_service_offering: parent cloud service offering used for database server build
  • dbsrv_template: parent cloud template used for database server build
  • kvm_service_offering: parent cloud nested KVM instances service offering
  • kvm_template: parent cloud nested KVM HV template
  • xs_service_offering: parent cloud nested XenServer instances service offering
  • xs_template: parent cloud nested XenServer HV template
  • esxi_service_offering: parent cloud nested ESXi instances service offering
  • esxi_template: parent cloud nested ESXi HV template
  • vc_service_offering: parent cloud nested VC instances service offering
  • vc_template: parent cloud nested VirtualCentre template
  • baseurl_cloudstack: URL for CloudStack build repository
  • env_id: override value to re-use a specific environment in the env database
  • env_zonetype: basic or advanced (default)
  • env_zone_systemplate: URL to system template, overrides version variable
  • build_marvin: whether or not to build a marvin vm