Configuration - shapeblue/Trillian GitHub Wiki

Environments DB configuration

The trillian_envs database consists of three tables:

  • environments: This table tracks all provisioned nested CloudStack environments and their current status. This is a dynamically utilised table and requires no configuration.
  • podnetworks: The Pod networks table tracks all private management IP addresses used by each nested CloudStack instance, as well as the VLANs utilized by that environment. This table is prepopulated - but may need to be updated to match the parent CloudStack infrastructure and underlying network configuration.
  • pubnetworks: The Pub networks table tracks all public IP addresses used by each nested CloudStack instance, as well as the VLAN utilized by that IP range. This table is prepopulated - but may need to be updated to match the parent CloudStack infrastructure and underlying network configuration.


The podnetworks table consists of the following fields:

  • idpod: auto incremented primary key
  • podstartip: nested cloud management network start IP address
  • podendip: nested cloud management network end IP address
  • podmask: nested cloud management network mask
  • podgw: nested cloud management default gateway
  • numips: number of IP addresses provided by each entry
  • vlans: VLAN range in format "xxx-yyy" for the nested cloud isolated guest networks
  • numvlans: number of VLANs in the provided range
  • inuse: populated by Trillian and is set to TRUE / FALSE
  • envid: populated by Trillian and contains the nested cloud UUID generated when a nested cloud is provisioned
  • updated: populated by Trillian - specifies last update timestamp, i.e. the last time the db entry was updated
  • removed: populated by Trillian - specifies last remove timestamp, i.e. the last time the db entry was freed up
  • comment: populated by Trillian
  • environmentname: populated by Trillian with the nested cloud project name


The pubnetworks table consists of the following fields:

  • idpub: auto incremented primary key
  • pubstartip: nested cloud public network start IP address
  • pubendip: nested cloud public network end IP address
  • pubmask: nested cloud public network mask
  • pubgw: nested cloud public network default gateway
  • numips: number of IP addresses provided by each entry
  • vlan: VLAN ID for the public network
  • inuse: populated by Trillian and is set to TRUE / FALSE
  • envid: populated by Trillian and contains the nested cloud UUID generated when a nested cloud is provisioned
  • updated: populated by Trillian - specifies last update timestamp, i.e. the last time the db entry was updated
  • removed: populated by Trillian - specifies last remove timestamp, i.e. the last time the db entry was freed up
  • comment: populated by Trillian
  • environmentname: populated by Trillian with the nested cloud project name

Variable configuration

Once all installation has been completed the Trillian environment needs to be configured with environment specific details - e.g. passwords, IP addresses, templates and so on. A sample Ansible variable file is provided with the Trillian repo - this can be found in /Trillian/Ansible/group_vars/all.sample. Make a copy in the same folder - but simply name this "all" - then edit all details based on the parent CloudStack environment.

All variables file
