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Trillian - automated builds of nested CloudStack environments

Trillian utilizes a 'parent' CloudStack' environment to build and host virtualized nested CloudStack environments.

The current version of Trillian leverages VMware ESXi's ability to run nested virtual hypervisors as well it's ability to run trunked VLANs.

Trillian uses Ansible2 to generate environment configuration files and deploy these environments into separate CloudStack projects. The end user simply runs two command line statements to go from nothing to a running CloudStack environment with multiple hosts, database servers, hypervisors, storage and networking:

> ansible-playbook generate-cloudconfig.yml --extra-vars "env_name=vsphere55-test mgmt=1 db=0 hvtype=v hv=2 esxi_template='ESXi 5.5 U3' vc_template='vCenter 5.5 U3' env_accounts=all pri=1 sec=1" -i localhost;
> ansible-playbook deployvms.yml -i ./hosts_vsphere55-test

> ansible-playbook generate-cloudconfig.yml --extra-vars "env_name=xs65pga mgmt=1 db=0 hvtype=x hv=2 xenserver_template='XenServer 6.5 SP1' env_accounts=all pri=1 sec=1" -i localhost
> ansible-playbook deployvms.yml -i ./hosts_xs65pga

In addition Trillian has built in options for Marvin testing, allowing Marvin configuration to be built as part of the environment and overall allowing the full Marvin testing to be ran from a CI environment like Jenkins.

For some background information on the design decisions which went into Trillian please check our Trillian blog on http://www.shapeblue.com/trillian-flexible-on-demand-individual-cloud-environment-creation/.

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