Binary File Access - shaovoon/elmaxfilelib GitHub Wiki

Writing binary file is similar to writing text file, except the user does not have to write the delimiters in between the data.

using namespace Elmax;

xBinaryWriter writer;
std::wstring file = L"Binary.bin";
    int i = 25698;
    double d = 1254.69;
    writer.Write(i, d);

Write returns number of the values successfully written. As shown below, reading is almost similar to writing.

using namespace Elmax;

xBinaryReader reader;
std::wstring file = L"Binary.bin";
        int i2 = 0;
        double d2 = 0.0;
        size_t totalRead = reader.Read(i2, d2); // i2 = 25698 and d2 = 1254.69

Writing strings in binary, most of the time, involves in writing the string length beforehand and before reading the string, we need to read the length and allocate the array first.

using namespace Elmax;

xBinaryWriter writer;
std::wstring file = GetTempPath(L"Binary.bin");
    std::string str = "Coding Monkey";
    double d = 1254.69;
    writer.Write(str.size(), str, d);

xBinaryReader reader;
        size_t len = 0;
        double d2 = 0.0;
        StrArray arr;
        size_t totalRead = reader.Read(len);

        totalRead = reader.Read(arr.MakeArray(len), d2);

        std::string str2 = arr.GetPtr(); // str2 contains "Coding Monkey"

We use StrArray to read a char array. We read its length first and use the length to allocate the array through MakeArray method. It is possible to read the length and make the array at the same time, using DeferredMake. Unlike MakeArray, DeferredMake does not allocate the array: the allocation is delayed until when it comes to its turn to read the file. DeferredMake captures the address of the len, so when the len gets updated with the length, it also gets the length. See below.

xBinaryReader reader;
        size_t len = 0;
        double d2 = 0.0;
        StrArray arr;
        size_t totalRead = reader.Read(len, arr.DeferredMake(len), d2);

        std::string str2 = arr.GetPtr(); // str2 contains "Coding Monkey"

WStrArray is available to read wchar_t array. However, it is not recommended to write std::wstring and use WStrArray to read it if you want to keep your file format portable across different OSes. The reason is due to wchar_t size is different on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. We will explore this issue on the later section. Note:Text file API do not have this problem as conversion are in place to keep it automatic. The workaround if the user need to write Unicode strings is write UTF-8 string. Another option is to use BaseArray class to write 16 bit string. There are 2 types of 16 bit encoding for Unicode, namely UCS-2 and UTF-16. UCS-2 unit is always 16 bits and can only represent 97% of the Unicode. UTF-16 can encode all Unicode code points but its unit could consist of a single or two 16 bit words. For some use cases, UCS-2 is sufficient to store the text of the choice language. UTF-16 is able to store everything that is Unicode but the tradeoff is the conversion time and the need to take note of the potential difference in text length before and after conversion.

xBinaryWriter and xBinaryReader also provides Seek and GetCurrPos to do file seeking (a common operation in binary file parsing).