Learning HTML - shantu/BootStrap-FontAwesome-CodeIgnitor-Impress GitHub Wiki
Getting started:
- How does the Internet work?
1 Hour read
- The Web Standards Model — HTML, CSS and JavaScript
1 Hour read
- Getting your content online
1 Hour read
- Accessibility
1 Hour read
Complete following html5 online courses:
- http://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/
- https://www.codecademy.com/tracks/web
7 Hours read
- https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/html-css
15 Hours read
- http://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/
HTML tutorials:
- Go through all the content of this url
24 Hours read
CSS tutorials:
- Go through all the content of this url
24 Hours read