SwitchPropertyView - shannah/CodeRAD GitHub Wiki
• javadoc
A wrapper for Switch, the binds to a view property.
- tag
A tag for the view property to bind to.
- component.*
Set properties of the embedded com/javadoc/com/codename1/components/Switch.html[Switch].
The following example creates a boolean view property named advancedOptions
, then creates a <radSwitch>
that binds to this property. The advancedOptions
property is also bound to the hidden property of a container, so that the container will be hidden or shown by setting the switch on or off.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<y xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="RADSwitchSample.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<title>RADSwitch Sample</title>
<define-tag name="advancedOptions" type="boolean"/>
<label layout-constraint="west">Show Advanced</label>
<radSwitch layout-constraint="east" tag="advancedOptions"/>
<y bind-hidden="java:!${advancedOptions}.bool" rad-transition="hidden 0.3s">
<label>Advanced Options</label>
<spanLabel>Here are some advanved options that you may or may not want to set</spanLabel>
<textField hint="enter option"/>
Figure 1. When switch is selected, the "Advanced Options" panel is shown
Figure 2. When switch is not selected, the "Advanced Options" panel is hidden