WebView - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki
Use the following to distinguish between a browser and a WebView:
isInWebAppiOS = (window.navigator.standalone == true); isInWebAppChrome = (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches);
Set a cookie for each to pass to the server.
Optimized Presentation of XML Content | Introduction
Android 8.0 Compatibility Definition | Android Open Source Project
Issues - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail
143578 – Chrome: XMLHttpRequest executed in UIWebView encodes valid query string characters
Browser Shredders: iOS UIWebView baseURL
iOS - Best Practices for Opening a Web Page Within an App - Outbrain Developer Center
CWE - CWE-749: Exposed Dangerous Method or Function (2.11)
Attack Surface Extended by URL Schemes (pdf)
Implementing XSLT into our iOS Apps | The Distance, York
How to transform xml with xslt and display it in Android webview
XSLT in a UIWebView using iOS SDK 4.2
detect ipad/iphone webview via javascript