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S.O.L.I.D. XSLT 1.0

When designing XSLT code, applying SOLID principles can lead to more maintainable and flexible transformations. Let's explore how each SOLID principle can be relevant in this context:

  • Single Responsibility Principle

    • Ensure that each XSLT template or function has a single responsibility. For example, separate logic for transforming data from logic related to formatting or output.
    • Avoid mixing concerns like data manipulation and presentation within the same template.
  • Open-Closed Principle

    • Design your XSLT code to be open for extension but closed for modification.
    • Use template modes or named templates to allow easy extension without altering existing templates.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle

    • Ensure that any XSLT template or function can be replaced by its subtype (specialized version) without affecting correctness.
    • Follow consistent naming conventions and parameter structures to maintain compatibility.
  • Interface Segregation Principle

    • In XSLT, interfaces are not directly applicable, but you can think of them as abstract templates or common patterns.
    • Avoid creating overly complex templates that try to do too much. Break them down into smaller, focused templates.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

    • In XSLT, dependencies are typically external data sources (XML files, databases, etc.).
    • Design your XSLT code to depend on abstractions (e.g., XPath expressions) rather than concrete implementations.
    • Use parameters or global variables to inject dependencies.

XSLT 3.0


Tail Recursion / DVC