RegExp Oriented Site Development - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki

  1. Search for pages. For example: +gallery
  2. Copy a repo
  3. Enable the Github pages tool in the settings of the cloned repo
  4. Inspect the page to find libraries, DOM IDs and API requests
  5. Customize the page using the keyboard shortcuts of the browser and the W3C Validator
  6. Use wikimedia commons for placeholder images. For example: homes
  7. Use wikimedia commons for SVG letters to splice into logos. For example: svg "letter w"
  8. Use bootstrap components for rapid prototyping

Pattern Matching

  - Complexity: Implementing pattern matching can be complex, especially for intricate patterns and large datasets. This can lead to increased development time and potential for errors.
  - Performance: Pattern matching can be resource-intensive, particularly when dealing with large volumes of data. This can slow down system performance if not optimized properly.
  - Maintenance: Keeping pattern matching rules up-to-date can be challenging, especially as new patterns and threats emerge. Regular updates and maintenance are required to ensure effectiveness.
  - False Positives/Negatives: There is always a risk of false positives (incorrectly identifying something as a match) and false negatives (failing to identify a true match), which can impact the accuracy of the system.

  - Evasion Techniques: Attackers can use various techniques to evade pattern matching, such as obfuscating code or using polymorphic malware that changes its appearance to avoid detection.
  - Signature Database Limitations: Pattern matching relies on a database of known signatures. If a new or unknown threat doesn't match any existing signatures, it can go undetected.
  - Resource Exhaustion: Attackers can exploit pattern matching by creating patterns that cause excessive resource consumption, leading to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  - Data Exposure: If pattern matching is used to process sensitive data, there is a risk of exposing this data if the system is compromised.

Google Docs and Sheets RegExp

  • UUID4 search and replace ending with domain name
Find: ([a-z0-9]{8}-[^@]+)
Replace: [email protected]

Regex Utils

SVG encoding

       ('<text x="0" y="0" alignment-baseline="middle" font-size="12" stroke-width="0" stroke="black" text-anchor="middle">HueLink</text>').replace(/</g,'%3C').replace(/"/g,"'").replace(/>/g,'%3E')


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