RegExp Oriented Site Development - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki

  1. Search for pages. For example: +gallery
  2. Copy a repo
  3. Enable the Github pages tool in the settings of the cloned repo
  4. Inspect the page to find libraries, DOM IDs and API requests
  5. Customize the page using the keyboard shortcuts of the browser and the W3C Validator
  6. Use wikimedia commons for placeholder images. For example: homes
  7. Use wikimedia commons for SVG letters to splice into logos. For example: svg "letter w"
  8. Use bootstrap components for rapid prototyping

Google Docs and Sheets RegExp

  • UUID4 search and replace ending with domain name
Find: ([a-z0-9]{8}-[^@]+)
Replace: [email protected]

Regex Utils

SVG encoding

       ('<text x="0" y="0" alignment-baseline="middle" font-size="12" stroke-width="0" stroke="black" text-anchor="middle">HueLink</text>').replace(/</g,'%3C').replace(/"/g,"'").replace(/>/g,'%3E')


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