Rapid Prototyping - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki

“Think about the ideal way to write a web app.Write the code to make it happen."

Vendor Lock-in Tooling

Here are some tools from Microsoft, IBM, Google, and Amazon that compare to Oracle APEX in terms of low-code development and rapid application building:


Power Apps: A low-code platform that allows users to create custom apps quickly. It integrates well with other Microsoft services like Azure, Office 365, and Dynamics 365.


IBM App Connect: While primarily an integration tool, it also offers low-code capabilities for building applications that connect various data sources and services.


Google AppSheet: A no-code platform that enables users to create mobile and web applications directly from data sources like Google Sheets, Excel, and SQL databases.


AWS Honeycode: A fully managed service that allows users to build mobile and web applications without writing any code. It integrates seamlessly with other AWS services.

(5) 3 strongest Oracle Apex alternatives & competitors - UI Bakery. https://uibakery.io/blog/oracle-apex-alternatives. (7) Oracle APEX Alternatives: 25+ Database Management Tools & Similar Apps .... https://alternativeto.net/software/oracle-apex/. (8) What are some alternatives to Oracle APEX? - StackShare. https://stackshare.io/oracle-apex/alternatives.

Basic MVC

  • Push to github (model)
  • Pull from github API (controller)
  • Convert to JSON (view) Example:
import urllib2
import json
req = urllib2.Request("http://localhost:81/sensors/temperature.json")
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
f = opener.open(req)
json = json.loads(f.read())
print json
print json['unit']

# Array example

import urllib2
import json
req = urllib2.Request("http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/38356.json")
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
f = opener.open(req)
json = json.loads(f.read())
print json
print json[0]['title']

Basic API

$ curl -u username:token https://api.github.com/user

curl \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
  https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/hello-world/hooks \
  -d '{"config":{"url":"url","content_type":"content_type","secret":"secret","insecure_ssl":"insecure_ssl"}}'


  1. Pull a story
  2. Start the web server
  3. Make edits
  4. Update linting
  5. Update unit tests
  6. Update comments
  7. Code review


  1. Checkout code
  2. Start docker
  3. Sync local env vars to dev; EXCEPT DB



  • 1 Measurement
  • 1.1 Non-Project Time
  • 1.2 Non-Development Project Time
  • 2 Development
  • 3 Rapid Prototyping
  • 3.2 jtidy
  • 3.3 jsFiddle
  • 3.4 Debugging
  • 3.5 Linting
  • 3.6 Ten Minute Tasks
  • 3.6.1 Test Mock Data
  • 3.6.2 Sync Copy Deck Text
  • 3.6.3 Adding ARIA
  • 3.6.4 Fix Layout
  • 3.6.5 Test Filters
  • 3.6.6 Start App Server
  • 3.6.7 Setup session
  • 3.6.8 Update JIRA
  • 3.6.9 Update QC
  • 3.7 30 Minute Tasks
  • 3.7.1 Parameterize code
  • 3.7.2 Test Services
  • 3.7.3 Add scripts to index.html
  • 3.7.4 Test Controllers
  • 3.7.5 Test XSLT
  • 3.8 60 Minute Tasks
  • 3.8.1 Trace Errors
  • 3.8.2 Create Markup and Styles from Comps
  • 3.8.3 Pixel Perfection
  • 3.9 120 Minute Tasks
  • 3.9.1 Generalize Code
  • 3.9.2 Unit Test
  • 3.9.3 Integration Testing
  • 3.9.4 Functional Test
  • 3.9.5 Isolation of Bugs
  • 3.10 240 Minute Tasks
  • 3.10.1 Diagram Flows
  • 3.11 360 Minute Tasks
  • 3.11.1 Refactor Code
  • 3.12 480 Minute Tasks
  • 3.12.1 Error Messaging
  • 3.12.2 Rollback and Reapply after Code Freeze
  • 3.13 Browser
  • 3.14 IDE
  • 3.14.1 HTML
  • 3.14.2 JavaScript
  • 3.14.3 CSS
  • 3.15 Boilerplate
  • 3.16 Pseudocode
  • 3.17 Bootstrap 2
  • 3.17.1 Fluid Rows (non-floated)
  • 3.17.2 Inline-Block Form Fields
  • 3.17.3 Block Form Fields
  • 3.18 Bootstrap 3
  • 3.18.1 No Float
  • 3.18.2 Left aligned Block Row
  • 3.18.3 Indented Row
  • 3.18.4 Indented Column
  • 3.18.5 Relative Containers
  • 3.18.6 Inline-Block Containers
  • 3.18.7 Inline-Table
  • 3.18.8 Inline-Block Form Fieldset
  • 3.18.9 Inline-Block Form Fields
  • 3.18.10 100% Width Grid-Based Blocks
  • 3.18.11 100% Width Grid-Based Inline-Blocks
  • 3.18.12 Justified Inline-Blocks
  • 3.18.13 Vertical Alignment
  • 3.18.14 Centered Blocks:
  • 3.18.15 25% width:
  • 3.18.16 50% width:
  • 3.18.17 75% width:
  • 3.18.18 Block containers:
  • 3.18.19 Help content:
  • 3.18.20 Collapsing Margins:
  • 3.18.21 No outline
  • 3.18.22 Pseudo href
  • 3.18.23 Tooltips
  • 3.18.24 ARIA
  • 3.18.25 Pressed
  • 3.18.26 Hidden
  • 3.18.27 Name Label
  • 3.18.28 Modal Control Indicator
  • 3.18.29 Tab Control Indicator
  • 3.18.30 Modal Container
  • 3.18.31 Modal Content
  • 3.18.32 Screen Reader
  • 3.18.33 Persistence
  • 3.18.34 Use the following attribute on user/pass and other session specific form fields to disable saving across tabs:
  • 3.19 Scratchpad
  • 3.20 Porting or Merge Down
  • 3.21 Refactoring and Regression
  • 3.22 Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • 3.23 Grunt
  • 3.24 Mock data
  • 3.25 Code Coverage
  • 3.26 Code Review
  • 3.27 Chores
  • 3.28 Automation
  • 3.29 API Design
  • 3.29.1 Usability
  • 3.29.2 Flexibility
  • 3.29.3 Reliability
  • 3.29.4 Maintainability
  • 3.29.5 Security
  • 3.29.6 Integrity
  • 3.29.7 Simplicity
  • 3.29.8 Ubiquity
  • Points of References
  • 3.30 References


  • Debugging time
  • Time-boxed spikes
  • Spec writing time

Non-Project Time

  • Status Meetings
  • Department Meetings
  • Company Meetings
  • Team Meetings
  • One-on-One Meetings
  • Compliance Training
  • Application Training
  • Framework Training
  • Goal Setting
  • Demos
  • FRD Review
  • Test Plan Review
  • Test Case Review
  • Go/No Go Meeting
  • ECO Meeting

Non-Development Project Time

  • API Diagramming
  • User Flow Diagramming
  • Event Diagramming
  • Responsive Design
  • Algorithm Design
  • Test Design
  • Algorithm Design Review
  • API Design Review
  • Responsive Design Review
  • Developer Collaboration
  • Business Clarification
  • Self-Code-Review of Code on Paper
  • Peer-Code-Review of Code on Screen
  • Unit Test of Code on Screen
  • Functional Test of UI
  • System Test of User Flows
  • Implementation Design
  • UAT Promote
  • Environment Setup
  • Environment Troubleshooting
  • Patching
  • Patch Troubleshooting
  • Workload Rebalancing
  • Defect Status Reporting


  • Algorithm Implementation time
  • Algorithm Debugging Time
  • Layout Prototyping Time
  • Accessibility Implementation Time
  • Data Mocking Time
  • Private API Commenting Time
  • Public API Documentaton Time
  • Code Indentation Time
  • Number of linting defects
  • Number of styling defects
  • Number of runtime defects
  • Number of compilation defects
  • Start with working code
  • Modify with mock data


  • think: five w's
  • motivation:jsfiddle
  • tool:grep
  • topic:error
  • progress:logging
  • answer:hardcoding
  • solution:parameterization

Test Mock Data

  • Open the JSON file
  • Copy it to the JS file
  • Assign it to a global
  • Add it to the application cache or localStorage
  • Reference it in the template or bind it to an event

Sync Copy Deck Text

  • Open the copy deck
  • Copy the text
  • Replace special characters with entities
  • Paste into the markup or into a script tag with a custom MIME type
  • Reload the page

Adding ARIA

  • Open the template
  • Add a class to each input
  • Add a class to each link
  • Add a class to each button

Fix Layout

  • Align left and right bookends
  • Equalize table columns
  • Wrap words consistently
  • Set colors based on style guide

Test Filters

  • Create function
  • Test in console
  • Wrap in a module

Start App Server

Checkout webapp instance Change em.properties Build instance Start server [edit]Setup session

Putty Flow

Find an account Login restart putty and rebuild last night's checkins fork your local branch to match the user story change a line of code save the new code refresh the page find a bug write a test checkin tests and code Update the user story

Story Flow

Find stories assigned to you Link related stories assigned to others Comment on related stories Update the status of stories in progress

Defect Flow

Check email for reopened defects Find QC client on desktop Open QC and search for the defect ID from the email Add a comment Set a date for patching Patch the fix by the date [edit]30 Minute Tasks

[edit]Parameterize code

Take working code Replace hardcoded values (var foo = 1) with typed arguments (myfn(foo) {}) [edit]Test Services

Take a URL Add POST parameters Get an error Modify the POST parameters Lather, rinse, repeat [edit]Add scripts to index.html

Add code + data in a file Test in the console Abstract data from code Add data in a file Wrap code into a module namespace Link code and data in index.html [edit]Test Controllers

Stub dependencies Mock state changes Assert expectations [edit]Test XSLT

descendent-or-self axis to abstract root dependency Mock XML for .raw xsl:message to assert expectations [edit]60 Minute Tasks

[edit]Trace Errors

Deminify code Set breakpoint at each variable assignment which maps to an undefined field or empty text node the UI Set breakpoint at each response from an AJAX request Find type mismatch(es) and unclosed braces/parentheses [edit]Create Markup and Styles from Comps

Choose semantic tags based on microformats and WAI-ARIA Choose styles based on mobile first design Use imagemagick to crop and optimize images [edit]Pixel Perfection

Import Bootstrap and page specific CSS into JSFiddle Use a <style> element for the smallest screen Use media queries for larger screens Use generated content for elements that are large screen specific Use a ruler and a Fibonacci sequence to keep ratios consistent Do not use inline styles [edit]120 Minute Tasks

[edit]Generalize Code

Move anonymous functions to named functions Move private methods to public methods Move private variables to arguments Move public methods to separate files Move private methods to utility files Move arguments to annotated comments Move generic markup into separate HTML files [edit]Unit Test

Add console logs Add script to generate tests from console logs Use the DOM to generate mock structures, Math.random to generate mock values, and the Function constructor to generate mock globals [edit]Integration Testing

Use curl to test exsting JSON APIs Use node to fake new JSON APIs Use express to transform XML to JSON or old JSON to new JSON [edit]Functional Test

Use Bookmarklets to generate globals Use Selenium to fake events Use Greasemonkey to fake function calls [edit]Isolation of Bugs

Open SIT in one browser Open UAT in another browser Open Developer Tool in both browsers Open the same URL in both browsers Perform the same form submission in both browsers Compare the request/response for the same form submission If the issue is in one browser, it is a database difference If the issue is in both browsers, it is a bug on the client or server If the issue is 100% reproducible, it is a bug on the server If the issue is sporadic, it is an issue on the client due to asynchronous network latency If the issue is hard to reproduce, it is a memory leak on the client or the server [edit]240 Minute Tasks

[edit]Diagram Flows

Map events to arrows Map handlers to boxes Map gaps to question marks Map data to circles Map templates to diamonds [edit]360 Minute Tasks

[edit]Refactor Code

Identify bad code from diffs Separate functional changes from maintenance changes Rewrite code to avoid bad code [edit]480 Minute Tasks

[edit]Error Messaging

Add inline form validation Add error toggles Add unit tests [edit]Rollback and Reapply after Code Freeze

Save current source file to wiki Revert to trunk revision Diff trunk vs wiki Reapply necessary code Add unit test new code Add functional test Split new conditional blocks into services Add unit tests for each service [edit]Browser

Disable same origin policy [edit]IDE

Sync via SFTP Setup Find/Replace regex to identify missing mock data mappings in AJAX requests [edit]HTML

Start with prototype markup from creative team Merge with markup from xeon-shared views directory Replace ng-controller with a directive when sharing templates Replace prototype data binding attributes To clone part of a directive template: Add an ID attribute to the element in question Add position:absolute;z-index:-1 to the element Proxy it via a tag or the :target selector Identify one-way and two-way bindings for optimization

Use event delegation and services rather than inline events Add prefetching link metadata to the index.html or index.ftl [edit]JavaScript

Start with inline events Add stub function calls Insert working callbacks without validation Use the angular.mock.dump() method to dump variables [edit]CSS

Start with existing markup and class attributes Extend with inline styles Decide on new class names Convert inline styles to new class names [edit]Boilerplate

index.html with globals package.json with required libraries Gruntfile.js with unminified copy tasks karma.conf.js with _dev-site mapping of code coverage report [edit]Pseudocode

Start with MVVM (HTML + onclick => module + directive) Move to flow diagram Separate UX code (templates) from business logic(events) and performance code (experiments) [edit]Bootstrap 2

[edit] Fluid Rows (non-floated)

.row-fluid [class*="span"] [edit] Inline-Block Form Fields

.input-append input[class*="span"] [edit] Block Form Fields

input[class*="span"], select[class*="span"], textarea[class*="span"], .uneditable-input [edit]Bootstrap 3

[edit] No Float

.visible-xs-block.input-group.col-0 [edit] Left aligned Block Row

.row.input-group.col-0 [edit] Indented Row

.input-group.col-0 [edit] Indented Column

.col-xs-offset-1 .col-sm-offset-1 .col-md-offset-1 .col-lg-offset-1 .col-xs-offset-2 .col-sm-offset-2 .col-md-offset-2 .col-lg-offset-2 .col-xs-offset-3 .col-sm-offset-3 .col-md-offset-3 .col-lg-offset-3 [edit] Relative Containers

.carousel .modal-dialog [edit] Inline-Block Containers

.visible-xs-inline-block .visible-sm-inline-block .visible-md-inline-block .visible-lg-inline-block .radio-inline [edit] Inline-Table

.form-inline .input-group [edit] Inline-Block Form Fieldset

.form-inline .form-group [edit] Inline-Block Form Fields

.form-inline .form-control [edit] 100% Width Grid-Based Blocks

.col-xs-12.input-group.col-0 [edit] 100% Width Grid-Based Inline-Blocks

.col-xs-12.input-group.col-0.visible-xs-inline-block.visible-sm-inline-block.visible-md-inline-block.visible-lg-inline-block [edit] Justified Inline-Blocks

.text-justify [edit] Vertical Alignment

.form-inline .control-label [edit] Centered Blocks:

.center-block [edit] 25% width:

.col-sm-3 .col-md-3 .col-lg-3 [edit] 50% width:

.col-sm-6 .col-md-6 .col-lg-6 .utility-menu .page-refresh [edit] 75% width:

.col-sm-9 .col-md-9 .col-lg-9 [edit] Block containers:

.visible-xs-block .visible-sm-block .visible-md-block .visible-lg-block [edit] Help content:

.help-block [edit] Collapsing Margins:

.voffset1 .voffset2 .voffset3 .voffset4 .voffset5 .voffset6 .voffset7 .voffset8 .voffset9 [edit] No outline

.open > a [edit] Pseudo href

button .btn-link [edit] Tooltips

data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Tooltip on left" [edit]ARIA

[edit] Pressed

aria-pressed="true" [edit] Hidden

aria-hidden="true" [edit] Name Label

aria-label="Close" [edit] Modal Control Indicator

aria-haspopup="true" [edit] Tab Control Indicator

aria-controls="trade-tab" [edit]Modal Container

role="dialog" [edit]Modal Content

role="document" [edit] Screen Reader

.sr-only (Text) .sr-only-focusable (Form) [edit]Persistence

[edit] Use the following attribute on user/pass and other session specific form fields to disable saving across tabs:

autocomplete="off" [edit]Scratchpad

Deminify library code Put all script tags inline Set breakpoints to test assumptions [edit]Porting or Merge Down

Open trunk and branch files in a diff tool(text-compare.com / kdiff3) Put the side by side view in one tab, and the remote source view in another Identify the new code in the side by side view, then copy it from the remote source view Paste it into the branch, then save the file Run jshint, find the next diff, then repeat [edit]Refactoring and Regression

Hardcode new variables Comment out new blocks of code Use a hashed array tree + a JSON search utility as a generic function argument for easy extensibility [{"foo":"hi","bar":"bye","baz":[{"num":123},456]] Revert to old version, then replace one function at a time Separate refactoring into three commits: Add new and modified unit tests, then check in Add new function statements, then check in Change existing functions, then check in [edit]Test Driven Development (TDD)

Map HTML IDs and attributes to events Map events handlers to expected arguments and global dependencies Map expectations to Boolean assertions [edit]Grunt

Setup watch cd xeon-[retirement|trading] nohup grunt watch & Setup jshint Setup livereload [edit]Mock data

Go to app/index.html Change mock: false to mock: true [edit]Code Coverage

Go to karma.conf.js Add a second reporter to output to the root index page of your local nodeJS server [edit]Code Review

Check crucible Run svn up Run jshint [edit]Chores

File issues for svn promote issues spring compilation failure web server misconfigurations load balancer policy mismatches account database corruption batch job non-existence [edit]Automation

TortoiseSVN hook for doing svn up before svn commit End-to-end testing tied to Test Scenarios Add flowcharts for user stories Add bulleted list to sub-tasks Add Interaction story for each sprint Add Infrastructure story for each sprint Stop sending email for report blockers [edit]API Design









[edit]Points of References



























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