QUnit Modulino - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki

Store this in the JS folder, then lazy load in via a bookmarklet
It will lazy load QUnit, then run itself
function globals( assert ) {
      assert.ok(project_app_title, "project_app_title")
      assert.ok(rootURL, "rootURL")
      assert.ok(hashURL, "hashURL")
      assert.ok(category_url, "category_url")
      assert.ok(content_url, "content_url")
      assert.ok(preview, "preview");

function nav(assert) {
 computedNav.assert = assert;
 $("a[href*='#/']").map(function(i, selector){computedNav(i, selector)});

function computedNav(i, selector){
 var d = Date.now();
 location.hash = 'paused';
 setTimeout(function(){navStyles(selector)}, 3000)

function navStyles(selector)
 navStyles.selector = selector;
 QUnit.assert.ok(/rgb/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).backgroundColor), String.concat(navStyles.selector.text, " has a background color of: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).backgroundColor));
 QUnit.assert.ok(/12px/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).paddingTop), String.concat(navStyles.selector.text, " has a top padding of: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).paddingTop));
 QUnit.assert.ok(/12px/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).paddingBottom), String.concat(navStyles.selector.text, " has a bottom padding of: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).paddingBottom));
 QUnit.assert.ok(/rgb/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).color), String.concat(navStyles.selector.text, " has a color of: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).color));
 QUnit.assert.ok(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontWeight === "400", String().concat("font weight is: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontWeight));
 QUnit.assert.ok(/1[3-4]px/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontSize), String().concat("font size is: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontSize )); 
 QUnit.assert.ok(/^Arial/.test(getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontFamily), String().concat("font family is: ", getComputedStyle(navStyles.selector).fontFamily )); 

function left_rail()
 QUnit.assert.ok($("#left_rail").css("width") === "200px", String().concat("Left rail width is: ", $("#left_rail").css("width")));

function go()
    test("Project specific Globals", globals);
    test("Left rail dimensions", left_rail);
    test("Check nav style properties", nav);
    test("Check default hash URL",function(assert){assert.ok(location.hash === "#/bond-basics"===true, "default URL is incorrect")});  
    test("Check for jQuery",function(assert){assert.ok(/function/.test(jQuery)===true, "jQuery is missing")})
    test("Check for JSON parser",function(assert){assert.ok(/function/.test(JSON["parse"])===true, "JSON parser is missing")})
    test("Check for form inputs",function(assert){assert.ok($("input").length > 0===true, "form inputs are missing")})
    test("Check for header tags",function(assert){assert.ok($("h1,h2").length > 1===true, "header tags (h1,h2) are missing")})
    test("Check for meta tags",function(assert){assert.ok($("meta").length > 0===true, "meta tags are missing")})
    test("Check for IE meta tag",function(assert){assert.ok($("meta[http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible']").length > 0=== true, "IE meta tag is missing")})
    test("Check for charset meta tag",function(assert){assert.ok($("meta[charset='utf-8'], meta[content='text/html; charset=utf-8']").length > 0 === true, "charset meta tag is missing(either HTML4 or HTML5 version is required)")})
    test("Check for doctype",function(assert){assert.ok(document.doctype.name === "html" === true, "doctype is missing")})
    test("Check for domain",function(assert){assert.ok(/etrade/.test(document.domain) ===true, "domain is no longer etrade.com")})
    test("Check for stylesheets",function(assert){assert.ok(document.styleSheets.length > 0===true, "stylesheets are inline")})
    test("Check for tag management",function(assert){assert.ok(window["tagmanagement"] === undefined === false, "tag management is missing")})
    test("Check for taskbar" ,function(assert){assert.ok($("script[src*='task']").length > 0 === false, "taskbar is loaded but not used")})
    test("Check for opinionlab" ,function(assert){assert.ok($("script[src*='oo_engine']").length > 0 === false, "opinionlab is loadded but not used")})
    test("Check for missing alt text" ,function(assert){assert.ok($("img:not[alt]").length > 0 === false, $("img:not[alt]").length)})
    test("Check for javascript: hrefs" ,function(assert){assert.ok($("a[href*='javascript']").length > 0 === false, $("a[href*='javascript']").length)})
    test("Check for empty hash(#) hrefs" ,function(assert){assert.ok($("a[href='#']").length > 0 === false, $("a[href='#']").length)})
void(function foo()
  function runner()
    QUnit.config.autostart = false;

  /* get body element */
  var body=document.body;
  var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

  /* create script and link elements */
  var qUnitJS = document.createElement("script");
  var qUnitCSS = document.createElement("link");
  var qUnitDiv = document.createElement("div");
  /* link rel and type attributes required for lazy loading */

  /* define script src attribute to lazy load */
  qUnitJS.src = "/skins/shared/js/test/qunit.js";

  /* append script and link elements */
  /* define link href after DOM insertion to lazy load */

  /* call tests after QUnit loads */
  qUnitJS.onload = runner;
## QUnit Bookmarklet
To achieve this, you can create a bookmarklet that loads QUnit, runs the tests, and checks the specified conditions on the element with the ID `foo`. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Create the Bookmarklet**:
   - A bookmarklet is a small JavaScript code snippet that you can save as a bookmark in your browser. When clicked, it will execute the code.

2. **Load QUnit**:
   - Ensure QUnit is loaded into the page. You can do this by dynamically injecting the QUnit script and stylesheet.

3. **Run Tests**:
   - Define and run the tests using QUnit to check the conditions on the element with the ID `foo`.

Here's a sample implementation:

javascript:(function() {
    // Load QUnit CSS
    var qunitCss = document.createElement('link');
    qunitCss.rel = 'stylesheet';
    qunitCss.href = 'https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.22.0.css';

    // Load QUnit JS
    var qunitJs = document.createElement('script');
    qunitJs.src = 'https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.22.0.js';
    qunitJs.onload = function() {
        // Create QUnit container
        var qunitDiv = document.createElement('div');
        qunitDiv.id = 'qunit';

        var qunitFixture = document.createElement('div');
        qunitFixture.id = 'qunit-fixture';

        // Define and run tests
        QUnit.module('DOM Tests', function() {
            QUnit.test('Check element with ID foo', function(assert) {
                var foo = document.getElementById('foo');
                assert.ok(foo, 'Element with ID foo exists');

                // Check if it has more than one child
                assert.ok(foo.children.length > 1, 'Element has more than one child');

                // Check if it has more than one grandchild
                var grandchildren = Array.from(foo.children).reduce((count, child) => count + child.children.length, 0);
                assert.ok(grandchildren > 1, 'Element has more than one grandchild');

                // Check if it has more than one great-grandchild
                var greatGrandchildren = Array.from(foo.children).reduce((count, child) => {
                    return count + Array.from(child.children).reduce((subCount, grandchild) => subCount + grandchild.children.length, 0);
                }, 0);
                assert.ok(greatGrandchildren > 1, 'Element has more than one great-grandchild');

### How to Use: 1. Copy the entire code snippet above. 2. Create a new bookmark in your browser. 3. Paste the code into the URL field of the bookmark. 4. Save the bookmark. 5. Navigate to the page where you want to run the tests. 6. Click the bookmarklet to load QUnit and run the tests on the element with the ID `foo`. This bookmarklet will dynamically load QUnit, create the necessary QUnit elements, and run the specified tests on the element with the ID `foo`. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! https://github.com/simplabs/qunit-dom-codemod.
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