Modular Code - sgml/signature GitHub Wiki
Comment out code that you don't need if it is causing errors
Use default imports and exports since webpack and babel fail with poor error messaging when a named import is used with sourcemaps:
Use a modular structure like HighCharts or i18next-icu to avoid the need for destructuring exports
Use jsfiddle, codepen, or plunker to test things such as open source react components. For example:
- Then map the imports to script tags as follows:
import | script |
import React from 'react' |[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js |
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' |[email protected]/umd/react-dom.production.min.js |
import moment from 'moment' |[email protected]/moment.js |
Use the following code for babel and react without node.js:
<script src="[email protected]/babel.js"></script> <script type="text/babel"> var contentNode = document.getElementById('content'); var component = <h1> Hello World </h1>; // A simple JSX component ReactDOM.render(component, contentNode); // Render the conponent </script>
Use react as a standard preset: presets:["react"]
Instead of a preset like babel-preset-env, use individual Babel plugins listed in the verbose output such as:
Use explicit code instead of stage0, stage1, stage2, and stage3 presets for proposed tc39 features such as:
- decorators
- class properties
- export-default-from
- null coalescing (??)
Use the copy webpack plugin to move HTML and CSS files rather than the loaders in development mode, use the file-loader to inline images, the style-loader to inline styles, the postCSS plugin to handle CSS imports, and use the extract text plugin to combine the styles with the design language CSS in production mode
Use styled-components rather than inline styles