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what does this line in builder-lib directory on the perl sdk for AWS do?
- Code:
has service_full_name => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->api_struct->{metadata}->{ serviceFullName } });
This line of code is defining an attribute service_full_name for a Perl object using the Moose object system. Here's what each part does:
has service_full_name: This is defining an attribute named service_full_name for the object.
(is => 'ro'): This is setting the attribute to be read-only (ro). This means that once a value has been assigned to service_full_name, it cannot be changed.
lazy => 1: This is a Moose feature that delays the calculation of the default value until it is actually needed. This can be useful if calculating the default value is computationally expensive.
default => sub { $_[0]->api_struct->{metadata}->{ serviceFullName } }: This is setting the default value of service_full_name to be the serviceFullName from the metadata of the api_struct of the object. The api_struct is likely another attribute of the object that contains API information.
So, in summary, this line is creating a read-only attribute service_full_name for an object, whose value is lazily loaded from the serviceFullName metadata of the object's api_struct. This is likely used to store the full name of the AWS service that the object is interacting with. The full name is probably defined in the botocore definitions and is used for display or identification purposes.