templates - seurat-atreides/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

Starting with Tasmota version 6.5, devices can be configured by users using a Template.

These are intended to be an easy way for users to create and share configurations for devices that are unsupported in Tasmota but have common characteristics with existing modules. We encourage everyone who creates a template for a new unknown device to add it to the database with an image of the device, links to the manufacturer or where it can be found and, of course, the template for it.

To provide easy processing by Tasmota, a user template is written as a JSON text and could look like this:


More about template properties at the bottom of the article.

Template configuration

Go to Configuration - Configure Template ...

How to get to template config

... and you'll end up looking at this screen.

Configure Template

Time to create your template.

Creating your template

  1. Change the template name (also defines the name for Module 0).
  2. Select a module to BASE your template on. If you're not sure, Module 18 is the best choice. In this example the device is based on Blitzwolf SHP (45) module.
  3. Configure the GPIOs to match your device. If you do not know what pins your device uses, employ the new device configuration procedure to determine the correct pin assignments.

GPIO configuration

Explanation of ADC0

  1. Click on Save.

  1. Select Module 0 in Configuration - Configure Module.

In the example dropdown menu you see the template name that is defined in step 1 (in this case RGB Smart Plug) always followed by (0).

After clicking Save, your device will reboot with the new settings.

Exporting your Template

Now that you've set up your previously unsupported device in Tasmota it is time to share the knowledge:

  1. Check that Module 0 is selected in the Configuration - Configure Module menu.
  2. Open up Console and issue command Template which will output a string with the configuration of your currently active template. Our example gives the following:
MQT: stat/sonoff/RESULT = {"NAME":"RGB Smart Plug","GPIO":[37,0,39,0,38,134,0,0,131,17,132,21,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":45}

Copy the string {"NAME":"RGB Smart Plug","GPIO":[37,0,39,0,38,134,0,0,131,17,132,21,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":45} and share it on our device repository page.

Merge Template and module settings

You can set up your device in module Configuration - Configure Module and use command Template 255 to merge the settings from Configure Module with current template into a new Template named "Merged".

Importing Templates

Go to Configuration - Configure Other

How to get to template config

When there:

  1. Paste your template into the Template field
  2. Make sure you check Activate
  3. Click on Save.

Template configuration

The device will reboot with a name reflecting your template name and Module 0 selected which has your new template stored.

It is finished

Template configuration with commands

A user provided template can be stored in Sonoff-Tasmota using the Template command. It has the following parameters.

Parameter Description
Show current Template
0 Create template from active module
1..69 Create template from a supported module
{ ... } Store template written in a JSON string

Template {"NAME":"UserModule1","GPIO":[17,148,29,149,7,255,255,255,138,255,139,255,255],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18} stores a complete template based on the Generic module

Template {"NAME":"AnotherModuleName"} updates the name of a stored template

Template {"FLAG":1} updates the flag of a stored template

Template {"BASE":0} updates the base of a stored template to Generic

After setting a template in command line it is necessary to issue Module 0 command if the device doesn't reboot on its own.

Explanation of template properties

Let's look again at our example template


The four properties with UPPERCASE property names have the following functionality:

Property name Property value description
NAME Up to 14 characters for the Module name
GPIO Up to 13 decimal numbers from 0 to 255 representing GPIO0 to GPIO5, GPIO09, GPIO10 and GPIO12 to GPIO16
FLAG 8 bit mask flag register
BASE Module number of a hard-coded device to be used when device specific functionality is needed


GPIO order

GPIO# |00| 01|02| 03|04| 05| 09| 10| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16|  
CODE  [17,148,29,149,52,255,255,255,138,255,139,255,255] 

GPIO functionality

The GPIO functionality numbers are the same as shown by command GPIOs. In addition code 255 is added to select a GPIO as user configurable via the GUI Configure Module menu.


In our example GPIO00 has the number 17 which corresponds to Button1 according to the following table. If you change that to 9 in your template it would then become a Switch1.

# Function # Function # Function # Function
0 None 255 User define
17 Button1 18 Button2 19 Button3 20 Button4
90 Button1n 91 Button2n 92 Button3n 93 Button4n
9 Switch1 10 Switch2 11 Switch3 12 Switch4
13 Switch5 14 Switch6 15 Switch7 16 Switch8
82 Switch1n 83 Switch2n 84 Switch3n 85 Switch4n
86 Switch5n 87 Switch6n 88 Switch7n 89 Switch8n
21 Relay1 22 Relay2 23 Relay3 24 Relay4
25 Relay5 26 Relay6 27 Relay7 28 Relay8
29 Relay1i 30 Relay2i 31 Relay3i 32 Relay4i
33 Relay5i 34 Relay6i 35 Relay7i 36 Relay8i
52 Led1 53 Led2 54 Led3 55 Led4
56 Led1i 57 Led2i 58 Led3i 59 Led4i
157 LedLink 158 LedLinki
37 PWM1 38 PWM2 39 PWM3 40 PWM4
41 PWM5 46 PWM1i 47 PWM2i 48 PWM3i
49 PWM4i 50 PWM5i
42 Counter1 43 Counter2 44 Counter3 45 Counter4
94 Counter1n 95 Counter2n 96 Counter3n 97 Counter4n
150 Rotary1a 151 Rotary1b 152 Rotary2a 153 Rotary2b
# Function # Function # Function
1 DHT11 2 AM2301 3 SI7021
7 WS2812
8 IRsend 51 IRrecv
60 MHZ Tx 61 MHZ Rx
64 SAir Tx 65 SAir Rx
62 PZEM0XX Tx 63 PZEM004 Rx
98 PZEM016 Rx 99 PZEM017 Rx
69 PMS5003
71 SerBr Tx 72 SerBr Rx
73 SR04 Tri 74 SR04 Ech
101 SDS0X1 Tx 70 SDS0X1 Rx
102 HX711 SCK 103 HX711 DAT
104 TX20
105 RFSend 106 RFrecv
107 Tuya Tx 108 Tuya Rx
109 MGC3130 Xfr 110 MGC3130 Rst
114 SSPI CS 115 SSPI DC 116 RF Sensor
117 AZ Rx 118 AZ Tx
119 MX31855 CS 120 MX31855 CLK 121 MX31855 DO
133 HLW8012 CF 134 BL0937 CF
135 MCP39F5 Tx 136 MCP39F5 Rx 137 MCP39F5 Rst
138 PN532 Tx 139 PN532 Rx
140 SM16716 CLK 141 SM16716 DAT 142 SM16716 PWR
143 MY92x1 DI 144 MY92x1 DCKI
145 CSE7766 Tx 146 CSE7766 Rx
147 ALux IrRcv 159 ALux IrSel
148 Serial Tx 149 Serial Rx

Google Sheet with the GPIOS sorted by number or alphabetically.


The FLAG value is an 8-bit mask where each bit controls a feature. Add FLAG values to set multiple bits.

FLAG Mask Feature description
0 xxxxxxxx No features
1 xxxxxxx1 Use Analog0 (ADC0) as an input if USE_ADC_VCC, defined in my_user_config.h, is disabled

Selecting ADC0 allows input of an analog signal through the ADC0 (A.K.A. A0) ESP8266 input (pin 6). ADC0 will be reported in telemetry messages as well as in the web UI. It can also be used as a trigger in rules.

Check your Wi-Fi module. The ESP8266 A0 pin supports a maximum voltage of 1.0V. Many newer Wi-Fi modules have an on-board voltage divider to support a higher A0 input voltage range (typically in the range between 0 and 3.3 volts). You may need to use a an external voltage divider to ensure your input voltage is in the right range.
2 xxxxxx1x Allow ADC0 as Temperature sensor when define USE_ADC_VCC is disabled. Introduced in
4 xxxxx1xx Not used
8 xxxx1xxx Not used
16 xxx1xxxx Not used
32 xx1xxxxx Not used
64 x1xxxxxx Not used
128 1xxxxxxx Not used


BASE is the starting module setup for the custom template. Some modules, not all, include special programming. If your device is similar to an existing built-in module it is best to use that as a starting point. When you're not sure which BASE module is suitable for your device use the Generic (18) module.


In the RGB Smart Plug template we used the BlitzWolf SHP (45) module as BASE since the power monitoring circuitry is identical but GPIO00, GPIO02 were changed and an unused GPIO04 was added to enable the RGB LED function. Using that specific module we took advantage of that module's calibrated power monitoring special programming which the Generic (18) module does not use.

The following table lists hard-coded device specific functionality.

BASE Module Description
1 Sonoff Basic
2 Sonoff RF
3 Sonoff SV
4 Sonoff TH
5 Sonoff Dual Process relay and button via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process buttons as single press only
6 Sonoff POW
7 Sonoff 4Ch
8 Sonoff S2X
9 Slampher
10 Sonoff Touch Invert LedState 1 functionality
11 Sonoff LED Set light type to 2 PWM channels disregarding SetOption15. Fix device specific LED instabilities by disabling GPIO04, GPIO5 and GPIO14
12 1 Channel
13 4 Channel See Sonoff Dual
14 Motor C/AC Force all relays ON at Power On and disable command PowerOnState
15 ElectroDragon
16 EXS Relay(s) Enable pulse latching using even/odd numbered relay pairs
18 Generic Show Wemos specific pin information in GUI
19 Sonoff Dev
20 H801 Change hardware UART Tx from GPIO01 to GPIO02
21 Sonoff SC Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps
22 Sonoff BN-SZ Set light type to 1 PWM channel disregarding SetOption15
23 Sonoff 4Ch Pro Button handling disregarding SetOption13 only allowing single press to enable RF learning while holding the button
24 Huafan SS
25 Sonoff Bridge Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process 16 buttons in web GUI. Enable EFM8BB1 firmware upload
26 Sonoff B1 Set light type to RGBWC using MY92x1
27 Ailight Set light type to RGBW using MY92x1
28 Sonoff T1 1Ch See Sonoff Touch
29 Sonoff T1 2Ch See Sonoff Touch
30 Sonoff T1 3Ch See Sonoff Touch
31 Supla Espablo
32 Witty Cloud
33 Yunshan Relay
34 MagicHome
35 Luani HVIO
36 KMC 70011
37 Arilux LC01
38 Arilux LC11
39 Sonoff Dual R2 Process buttons as single press only
40 Arilux LC06
41 Sonoff S31 Selects GPIO types for the CSE7766 (serial connected energy monitoring chip) with Rx and Tx hardware serial (even parity) on GPIO01 and GPIO03 respectively. Sets serial interface to 4800 baud and disables serial logging
42 Zengge WF017
43 Sonoff Pow R2
44 Sonoff IFan02 Enable command Fanspeed. Disable Interlock and PulseTime. Tune status information, MQTT data and GUI. Sync with microcontroller. Process Domoticz Fan state
45 Blitzwolf SHP Module specific power monitoring calibration
46 Shelly 1
47 Shelly 2
48 Xiaomi Philips Process Color Temperature using PWM2 and Intensity using PWM1
49 Neo Coolcam
50 ESP SwitCh
51 Obi Socket
52 Teckin
53 APLIC WDP303075
54 Tuya Dimmer Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149 or forced GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 9600 bps. Process all Buttons
55 Gosund SP1 v23
56 Armtronix Dimmers Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 115200 bps.
57 SK03 Outdoor (Tuya)
58 PS-16-DZ Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 19200 bps.
59 Teckin US
60 Manzoku Strip (EU 4)
61 Obi Socket 2
62 YTF LR Bridge Disable serial interface to stop loopback
63 Digoo DG-SP202
64 KA10
65 Luminea ZX2820
66 Mi Desk Lamp Process rotary and Button1 data specific to this device
67 SP10
69 SYF05
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