YTF IR Bridge - seurat-atreides/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

Supported since version as YTF IR Bridge (62)


This device is flashable with Tuya-Convert OTA flasher.

Serial flashing

Like most devices, GPIO0 has to be held low during power up to get into flash mode. In the picture below, notice the red jumper wire between IO0 and GND. I soldered it in such a way I could hold it during power on, but release later (basically acts as a button), since it can not be held low if you want normal operation.

img_1140 img_2323 img_8334 img_3255 img_3282


  { "YTF IR Bridge",   //
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO00
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO01 Serial RXD
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO02
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO03 Serial TXD
     GPIO_LED1_INV,    // GPIO04 Blue Led - Link status
     GPIO_IRRECV,      // GPIO05 IR Receiver
                       // GPIO06 (SD_CLK   Flash)
                       // GPIO07 (SD_DATA0 Flash QIO/DIO/DOUT)
                       // GPIO08 (SD_DATA1 Flash QIO/DIO/DOUT)
     0,                // GPIO09 (SD_DATA2 Flash QIO or ESP8285)
     0,                // GPIO10 (SD_DATA3 Flash QIO or ESP8285)
                       // GPIO11 (SD_CMD   Flash)
     0,                // GPIO12
     GPIO_KEY1,        // GPIO13 Button
     GPIO_IRSEND,      // GPIO14 IR Transmitter
     0, 0, 0

List IR Codes

IR Code List