Upload micro service design - servinglynk/hslynk-open-source-docs GitHub Wiki

Upload micro service design

The upload micro service is one of the core services that enables both HSLynk and its customers to be upload documents. Following are few design considerations for the upload micro service.

Each upload belongs to a upload type. This is a pre-defined type set up by HSLynk and this type determines how a document will be stored or managed. Each upload type determines the mimetypes (extensions of the files) that are allowed and the total size that is allowed for each upload and the no of files can be part of a each upload.

For instance, an upload type CONSENT_DOCUMENT can be set up with the following constraints

  1. Only PDF / DOCs are allowed
  2. Maximum of 3 files will be allowed in each upload.
  3. Maximum size of each file cannot exceed 20 MB
  4. Total size of all the files cannot exceed 50 MB.
  5. Default storage destination is S3.

Following is the design for the upload type entity

UUID Unique Identifier for the upload
DESCRIPTION Description about the upload Type
MAX_SIZE Maximum size that is allowed for the upload type in MB
DESTINATION_TYPE Value could be S3
DESTINATION The root location for the storage (S3 Bucket name
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields

Following is the design for the upload mime type entity

UUID Unique Identifier for the upload
MIME_TYPE The mime type that is allowed for the upload type
MAX_SIZE Maximum size that is allowed for this mime type , for this upload type
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields

Each upload can contain multiple files (as per the pre-defined configuration for upload type). Upload micro service should track the number of files that are uploaded for each upload along with the status for each and individual upload. The following design enables to track the status of uploads . Also, an upload can happen for any micro service . For instance, upload can be performed by global-api (for consent uploads) or from reporting micro service to upload the report, after its generated. So, the source of the upload should be maintained by the upload micro service.

Following is the design for the upload header entity

UUID Unique Identifier for the upload
UPLOAD_SOURCE Name of the micro service that performed the upload
UPLOAD_TYPE_ID Type of the upload
NO_OF_FILES The number of files that are uploaded with this request
TOTAL_SIZE Total size of the files that are uploaded with this request.
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields

Following is the design for the upload detail entity

UUID Unique identifier for the upload line entity
MIME_TYPE Mime type of the file that is uploaded
FILE_SIZE Size of the file
FILE_ORIGINAL_NAME Original name of the file
FILE_NAME Name of the file , if we need to maintain a specific naming convention
UPLOAD_LOCATION Path where the file is stored
UPLOAD_HEADER_ID Upload header associated with this upload item
UPLOAD_STATUS Status of the upload - success or failure
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields

How Upload micro service is used by other internal micro services or by external services

HSLynk exposes APIs for uploading various documents and to capture the metadata associated with the upload. Each customer can be provided granted access only for few upload types. For instance, few clients may not be allowed to perform CLIENT_FILE_UPLOADs but just CONSENT_UPLOAD. This can be determined based on the contract between HSLynk and the customer.

Following DB design describes how the uploads are managed at project group level and how the meta data will be stored for several uploads.


UUID Unique identifier for the upload line entity
PROJECT_GROUP_ID Project group
DESTINATION_TYPE This overrides the default destination type defined in UPLOAD_TYPE configuration
DESTINATION This overrides the default destination defined in UPLOAD_TYPE configuration
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields


UUID Unique identifier for the upload line entity
PROJECT_GROUP_ID Project group
UPLOAD_HEADER_ID This determines how the details of the files is fetched
UPLOAD_METADATA Meta data information for the upload - used for retrieval / search purposes
UPLOAD_KEY key search identifier for the upload (for instance clientId)
UPLOAD_VALUE value of the key search identifier for the upload ex: UUID 68803de3-b54f-438d-b7da-4f482409f671
DATE_CREATED Audit fields
DATE_UPDATED Audit fields
CREATED_BY Audit fields
UPDATED_BY Audit fields

Other use cases

Once the documents are uploaded we can set up rules to notify the concerned teams. For instance, once a report is generated and uploaded, the targeted users can be sent an e-mail with the link to the report.