RHY Export Format - servinglynk/hslynk-open-source-docs GitHub Wiki

from November 2015 posting at: https://sakai.lampschools.org/portal/site/44c5c653-66cd-47c3-9c06-44d89ed087ff:

Just a reminder the RHY repository will be open Nov. 16-Dec. 8, 2015 to accept the HMIS-CSV extract (hashed for RHY). Please make sure your RHY-HMIS data extraction adheres to the following:

  1.  Each project funded by RHY must submit an export file. 
  2.  Data for all projects (of all project types) should be contained in a single .zip file.
  3.  Data exports must be in  the HUD HMIS .CSV 4.1 specifications.
  4.  The data encryption algorithm (published both on the HUB and in HMIS .CSV 4.1) must be adhered to, hashing the first name, middle name, last name, and SSN.
  5.  The minimum set of 11 required .CSV files for upload are listed below.  

· Export.csv · Project.csv · ProjectCoC.csv · Client.csv · Enrollment.csv · EnrollmentCoC.csv · Exit.csv · IncomeBenefits.csv · Disabilities.csv · HealthandDV.csv · EmploymentEducation.csv Once grantees have generated data for upload, they will log into an upload portal to submit. If there is any structural issue with the CSV files they will not be able to upload their RHY data until it is corrected. Once they have successfully uploaded, they will receive a Data Quality Report the next morning indicating any missing required data fields. Using the report as guidance, grantees can fix their data and resubmit. All corrected and final data must be uploaded by December 8, 2015 by RHY grantees.

A training webinar “Learning to Upload RHYMIS Data” was held for grantees on October 29, 2015, a video recording of which will be available on the www.RHYTTAC.net website. A training session will also be available at the 2015 National Runaway and Homeless Youth Conference in New Orleans, November 10-12, 2015.

Questions specifically around RHY should be addressed to: [email protected] and put “VENDOR” somewhere in the subject line. As always HMIS questions go to the HUD Exchange via the AAQ.