How to Build A Survey with Both HMIS and Custom Questions - servinglynk/hslynk-open-source-docs GitHub Wiki

How to create a survey and a section within it

  1. Create Survey: POST /v2/surveys
  2. Create Sections for the survey: POST /surveys/{surveyid}/surveysections

How to modify / update a survey

  • API is not available for copying an existing survey to a new one in one API call, but it could be scripted on the client side, which we have seen performed successfully, easily enough
  • API to modify an existing survey: PUT /v2/surveys/{surveyid}

How to create custom questions

  1. First we need to create a question group. A question group is only a logical grouping of questions, so it's easier to FETCH questions for a question group and then associate them with the survey. For instance, all the household income related questions can be part of a question group.
  2. Create questions in a group:

How to add custom questions to a survey

  1. Within a question group, but within a section
  2. Within a question group, but not using a section (is this possible?)

How to use a hard-coded 2020 HMIS question in a survey section

  1. Maintain question information in surveyDefinition attribute as Stringified JSON.

How to copy custom questions from one survey to another

  • API not available yet, though this could be scripted on the client side, which we have seen performed successfully, easily enough

How to retrieve a survey