HBASE Hive Connectivity to Tableau - servinglynk/hslynk-open-source-docs GitHub Wiki
Step 0: Install the Hive connector for Tableau from the below site.
Once the Hadoop/Hive driver is downloaded you need to run the setup.
- Click "Next"
![Step 1](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-1.png)
2. Accept the terms and condition and Click "Next"
![Step 2](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-2.png)
3. Click "Install"
![Step 3](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-3.png)
The driver installation is completed. 4. Now open Tableau 9.0 Desktop and Click on "More Servers..." and "Other DAtabases(ODBC)"
![Step 4](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-4.png)
5. Select "Driver" and select "Cloudera ODBC Driver for Hive" and Click on Connect
![Step 5](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-5.png)
6. Provide the host name as ec2-52-27-63-94.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com and all other values are already in the screen shot below. You can click on "Test" to test the connection and then click "Ok". Username and password will be shared via a separate spread sheet.
![Step 6](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-6.png)
7. Click Ok on this screen to access your Tableau to query against Hadoop/Hive. ![Step 7](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-7.png)
8. Here you go we are ready to use our nice and shiny Hadoop environment with Tableau and generate reports. ![Step 8](https://github.com/servinglynk/OpenHMISDataWarehouse/blob/master/doc/Hadoop-8.png)