Command Reference: Set Permissions - serversigns/ServerSigns GitHub Wiki

Command Aliases Syntax Description
setpermissions sp, setperms, setpermission /svs setpermissions <permissions...> [m:<message>] For each permission, the user must have 'serversigns.use.<permission>' to use this sign


Parameter Description
permissions A set of permissions (1 or more) separated by a single space which the user must have to use the ServerSign. (The user must have the permission node: serversigns.use.<permission>).
Setting the first parameter to - (a single subtraction symbol) allows you to remove any assigned permissions from the ServerSign.
message This message is shown to the player if they don't have the required permissions to use the ServerSign.
The message parameter should be given after all permissions have been defined, although it can be defined without any permissions to change the default message. The start of the message should be prefixed with 'm:' to indiciate that the message is now starting. The message can then be typed as normal with spaces, etc.


/svs setperms example - requires the player to have serversigns.use.example

/svs sp user mod admin - requires the player to have serversigns.use.user, serversigns.use.mod, and serversigns.use.admin

/svs setpermissions example1 example2 m:This message is shown to the &3player

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