Command Reference - serversigns/ServerSigns GitHub Wiki
There are 2 commands available in ServerSigns: /serversigns (/svs) and /serversignsremote (/svsr).
The primary command is /svs - This command supports all sub-commands and must be executed in-game by an administrator.
The secondary command is /svsr - This command supports a limited set of sub-commands and can be executed by an administrator, console, or another ServerSign. All sub-commands must be preceded by a <location> variable in the format of world,x,y,z - for example, world,22,33,44 or my_world,-123,64,999.
Parameter Descriptions:
- required parameter, text describes the parameter
- {text} required parameter, text represents exact values to be entered
- [text] optional parameter, text describes the parameter
- (text) informational, not part of the command & should not be input
- [text]... accepts multiple values separated by spaces