Setup toolchain - serlo/documentation GitHub Wiki

Overview: Tools we use in development

Each repository contains a which describes the tools needed for development. Those are mainly:

  • docker and docker-compose
  • asdf-vm (for installing and managing different versions of Node.JS, yarn or rust on your computer)
  • Google cloud CLI

asdf-vm is technically not needed but we highly recommend you using this rool.

Installing docker and docker-compose

Follow the following instructions

Installing asdf-vm

We recommend asdf-vm for installing the tools you need (like NodeJS or Rust). Follow the instructions to install asdf on their site "Getting started".

In order to install a tool you need to run the following commands:

# Install the asdf plugin for the tool, like `nodejs`
asdf plugin add <tool-name>

# List all available versions for the tool
asdf list all <tool-name>

# Install the tool in the version you need
asdf install <tool-name> <version>

Make yourself familiar on how you can set a version with asdf. For example for installing yarn the necessary command might look like:

asdf plugin add yarn
asdf list all yarn
asdf install yarn 1.22.18

Which versions shall I use for each tool?

Each repository contains a .tool-versions file which describes which version of which tool is needed in development. Install the versions of each tool which is defined there. For example when .tool-versions is

yarn 1.22.19
nodejs 18.14.0

you need to install nodejs in version 18.14.0 and yarn in version 1.22.19.

Note: We are in the middle of adding .tool-versions to the repositories. In case there is no .tool-versions file you need to install:

Installing Google Cloud CLI

Setup of editor

VS Code / VSCodium


Note: WebStorm = Intellij + JavaScript plugins out of the box

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